I've been have dicussion with the chiefs about our high rise bundles. We don't have any building over 3 stories tall that aren't sprinkled and standpiped.
Our pack includes 150' 1.75" with hose tools. thats one persons assignment the next person or 2 grabs 2.5" with a gated wye and starts going with it.
The 150' makes the firefighter unbalanced and has caused injuries because the awkardness of all the hose weight.
My thoughts are 100' and just bring more 2.5 with more bodies..
I don't know, does this make sense

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We have several High rise Bldgs in our first due district. We carry 1oo Ft of 1 3/4 " with a breakapart nozzel in a bundle ( 1FF) .
The secound FF carries 50 Ft of 1 3/4" and the HR Bag which containes a 5 ft. section of 2 1/2" that has a gated wye reduced to two 1 1/2" males .
The Bag also has -- Spanner wrench -Pipe Wrench. spare Standpipe wheel and double female so one can feed the lobby or first floor standpipe in the event the outside hook ups are OOS.remember you don't need high buildings to have a use for such a pack.

We carry 200' of 1.75" light weight hose in two 100' sections with a break away CVSSF. We also carry a pipe wrench and spanner wrench as well as either a 2.50" to 1.50" quick connect adapter or a 5' section of 3" with a gated wye. It weighs less then 150' of 1.75" hose. The officer has a pack that has an nozzel as well as another 100' of 1.75" hose.
We have two bags. The main bag is 100 feet of 1.75 with a rope bag and a tool bag (hose wrench, wedges, chalk, etc). Second bag is 50 feet of 2.5. We don't use a gated wye for them, just a reducer if the second is needed. We have two more highrise bundles on the rig, one with nozzle, one without, that can be brought up if needed, they are 100 feet each of 2.5. The first bunch usually does it, and if not, a hose role is often taken up and tossed out a window directly to the pump operator, more hose added if need be and pressure directly from the ground. I've only seen this done once in a 4 story walk up with no standpipes.

150 does sound like it would be heavy. Our 100 feet is 55 lbs (including "Stuff" and the bag") and after climbing a few flights of stairs it starts to feel really heavy, after 10 it feels really, really heavy! haha! A second person carrying an extra 50 feet sure makes it easier!!

Ive seen the same issue we have tried many different setups from high rise bags which keeps the 100' of hose rolled to straps that keep the hose rolled the best that we found and easiest is a strap system that you can flake the hose as if its in the bed no rolling and can be carried by one or two firefighters. they can be set up with as little or as much hose as you want.

the other thing is we added a nozzel and have and gated wye to each pair or high rise packs seems to work for us
We carry a pack with 200' of single jacket 1 3/4, a gated wye, and a adj fog nozzle.
Hi rise packs are one of those items which have a love/hate relationship for every firefighter I know. In my 28 yrs I have used them once, but then again other in the area have used them more. Our trucks have them set up as a gated wye with 2 100' sections, tools follow with a second person. The set uo is due to the long hallways we have in many of our buildings, it just works better for us.

If I had my way, I would have them set up as 2 back packs: 1) a 150' back pack (Wildland packs would work great)with the tools and 2) a 100' back pack of 2.5 with more tools. The wildland hose packs are easy to use, cost is low, and set up is simple. Zimm

I have done a bunch of training with the bundle pack. I was looking to reduce the work/stress on a single firefighter humping a bulky high rise pack. I have found for speed and reduced work/stress, that one firefighter carrying a 100' bundle with a break away nozzle and the gated wye is very easy to carry and well-balanced.

The second firefighter will carry a 50' section of 2.5" hose rolled in a donut roll with 1" webbing used as a center carrying shoulder strap. This allows the firefighter to carry hands free, allows bring the irons too. Plus it allows you to control both ends of the hose in reduced visability. We have (2) donut rolls set up on the pump, each with a carrying strap, so one firefighter can carry 100' if requested by the CO.

The normal deployment is 100' Bundle and 50' line of 2.5". If we have a building with lengthy stretch, some pre-planned buildings have 150'+ foot stretches due to the width of the building and closest stand-pipe, the second donut roll gives you the ability to add on.

The two person response is well balanced and easy to assemble. You can easily add this onto a lengthy stretch into an alley or a commericial/industrial occupancy (small office fire) with lengthy interior stretch. The benefits of having the breakaway nozzle is obvious, meaning the second-in company can add their bundle onto the nozzle of bundle #1 if you need more hose.

100' is much easier to carry...
Most of the buildings in my response area are high rises or three stories and greater. Our normal response is two engines and a ladder with a bus and the battalion. The first due engine arrives and the captain grabs the high rise bag which includes spanners, gated y, door chocks, etc..

The two guys riding backwards grab both high rise packs each high rise pack is 100 ft of inch and three quarter with nozzle. They report to the floor below and hook into the standpipe and make the floor once the truck locates the fire.

While the second due engine makes the connection to the building or lays into the attack engine just depends on the size and location of the fire in the building. The truck company reports to the fire floor to locate the fire, force entry, ventilate, and conducts a search. The bus reports to the fire panel or assists the engine company drivers with there connections etc.
We carry 150' bundle of 1 3/4 with a "y" and spanners and a reducer in the pouch. 1 guy grabs the pack while the others grab tools. So far I have found if you put it around your neck or air bottle so to speak it balances out well.

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