Just wanted to say hello to everyone before I started posting on or creating topics.
I am a Dep. Chief for a rural service provider in Michigan and have 14 years on my department. Our annual call volume is in the low 200's (hey I said we are rural). I have breezed though a few things here and it looks like there is some good insight and different views on many different topics. Look forward to some great discussions with you folks and I hope to pick up some different perspectives and learn a few things, while making some new friends.

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welcome stay safe..
Welcome to the nation.

Stay Safe and lets be careful out there.
Welcome to FFN
Welcome from PA
There goes the neighborhood.

Welcome aboard Chief!
Welcome to the nation Chief! Lots of good info on here. If you need anything just ask, someone will probably have info. As for me cover a township with a pop. of about 8500 covering 27sq. miles with about 4 sqmi that has 90% of our pop. Run about 1200 to 1500 per year (fire/ems combined).
Welcome Chief! This is a great site!!
Welcome to ffn from the jersey shore and jump in any time chief
Chief, welcome to OUR house. Pull up a chair and have a good time. Your involvement is important to us all.
welcome an stay sfe out there

Chief Curtis, You will find that the FFN is an incredibly valuable tool to bounce ideas and problems off those who you meet and develop a confidence with. I have made friends with folks all over the world and have enjoyed helping folks out that don't have the same resources that I have available to me. The only problem with this site is that it tends to be a little addictive. Good luck to you considering I am one of the enablers here... : )

TCSS, Mike

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