Hi everyone! I just purchased a Cairns N5A Leather Helmet off of Ebay. The owner before be put a Bronx bend in it. Which I like..No problems there. I just a little concerned with a crack on the back of the helmet where the skull cap meets the brim..heres some photos.

What should I do? Not worry about the crack near the Skull Cap/Brim merging zone, and just paint the cracks in the paint..or am I worried Over nothing?

Thanks in Advance!


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This is true the N5A isn't NFPA sorry my bad. I get the numbers mixed up on N5A New Yorker and N6A Sam Houston. I also looked at a couple of web sites aren't there epoxys that you can buy specifically for these types of helmets? They also sell the right paint that one would need to either touch-up or repaint the helmet if I'm not mistaken. I couldn't use an N5A at my dept. but I could an N6A. Good info to know thanks Jason.
My Dept allows me to wear a N5A. I asked around with other leather wear's and did some research..ive been told that bondo works awesome on small cracks like mine. I keep looking at it, and the separation isnt THAT big. So im going to bondo it. Just need to find a suitable paint for it. Id like to find a Flat Black.
Take apoxy sand down the area after you clear some of the paint apoxy the crack and repaint. You can also refinish the hole helmet if you want instead of just one area.

As for NFPA the N5A New Yorker is not NFPA no matter what. The N6A is the only 100% leather helmet that is NFPA due to the 1/8" thicker impact cap than the N5A but it is still OSHA approved.

As long as the impact cap is not cracked or damaged it is still a usable helmet. Its the leather thats cracked and that can be fixed with apoxy like I said.

Any other questions just commet or message me Id be happy to help.
Sorry but "home repairs" are NOT ok....his life depends on servicable gear....his department depends on servicable gear...it is both unethical and wrong to tell someone to "repair it with epoxy and repaint it"....If it is cracked (and it appears to be) then it cannot be put back into service.....Sorry but that's the way it is............and you Sir should know better than to say that to a another Firefighter.........Paul
Paul, If the impact cap is not compromised alittle epoxy is not going to hurt and it is a service able helmet. If the impact cap is compromised then no its not. But the leather has nothing to do with the structural integrity of the N5A it is the impact cap you have to worry about. I have repaired my helmet multiple times where paint and the leather has cracked. I dont see why its unethical or wrong I told him to fix the leather not the impact cap. If I had done then that might be alittle unethical but a little cracked leather is not a big deal.
Thats all it is. Its just a few cracks (i dont think it could even be in the leather) and as for that little bit of separation..it can be filled with either bondo or epoxy. And Im going to repaint it. We will see..im cautious of doing it..but..I gotta do what I gotta do. I love my leather and want to save it. Im just lucky I didnt spend alot of money, and its in other wise great shape.
As long as it is not the impact cap you are all set. And as for the bondo or epoxy if it is small us expoxy is alittle less messy and repairs alittle quicker. Bondo is a bit of a project. If you need any other advice let me know because my brother and I repair helmets as side work.

Stay Safe
Hey brother, thise seem too deep to be just paint cracks. I would just for c.y.a. I would rather say to save up and buy a new one. I know they are expensive but its better to be safe than sorry in the heat of battle. That way there are no worries and also your Dept. or Chief can agree with it or not. We are allowed to purchase our own gear but the Chief has to approve it. Hope the best for you and stay safe brother.
A statement almost entirely without content.
What Jack said!

Did the seller mention the cracks in the auction listing? If not, I would seriously think about getting my money back! Stay safe!
I love this one... Bondo fixes everything! Old rust bucket cars, boats, etc.

First off, your head is worth the cost of a brand new NFPA approved helmet. This one does not have an impact liner that is going to protect your neck from rotational impact but hey it looks salty! Getting hurt in your own, non-comliant helmet creates issues in the future.

I gotta ask though... How many of you salty jakes would buy a motorcycle helmet that was dropped or crashed in before and the guy epoxy'ed or bondo it up to look SWEET????

NONE if you value your life. Save your pennies until you can own a safe one. Remember a firefighter's helmet is no different? They are designed to protect your brain bucket from one and only one good impact.

Then they go on the mantel for war stories if your not sucking your dinner through a feeding tube.
Ok ....leather helemts are great and can last a life time if cared for properly. Leathers will crack when they get older and dry out, they also crack when you dip them in water and bend them like this helmet was done to create the Bronx bend. Your helmet is the one thing that tells the story, tells what you've done. Jackets come and go, but the helmet is carried with you, and if your lucky...it is the helmet that gets passed down to your son/daughter. I dont understand why people buy used helmets already "salty" and wear it like it is there own. My advice, buy a NEW non-used leather and put your own stories on it. It has more meaning that way.


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