Whats everybody think about their structural rated fire fighting helmets.  We use Cairns 1010's and I personally don't know what to think.  They look nice, the traditional look, but at the same time the eagle that holds the leather shield is a snag point.  And they seem awfully heavy.  I like them but would like to know what everyone else thinks between the "traditional" or the "modern" helmets.  Thanks everyone.

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Where do you find the pics you put up on here? They are hilarious.

Typically, I do them myself. I've used and have done graphic arts and crafts for years. Plus I have a graphic library for fire device stuff that's pretty big after collecting stuff and organizing since my first Mac in the 70's...

Well keep up the good work.

Just a question to throw out there about helmets.  Has anyone out there had any experience with the "hero's" helmet made by rosenbauer. My department recently got one to try it out.  Personally I like it.  It is more of the european style but I find that it feels like the weight is more centered on top of your head instead of towards the back which you find with the traditional styles that have the longer back brim.  I have showed it to my neighboring departments and just like anything have gotten mixed results, but all of the neghbors liked the integrated visors and light.

I have a Heros Extreme and a Heros Smart, they are both excellent helmets and amongst the most comfortable I have ever worn.  In Europe they are becoming more popular than the ubiquitous Gallet F1!

Nice to know.  Now if I can just get the rest of the "old-timers" to accept the "modern age" our department might actually get something nice.


It's not going to happen soon, even the New Timers" will not accept these helmets willingly.  That said, the "traditional" US style helmet is now so influenced by these modern helmets that are just as safe, just not as comfortable.

Let's face it, "cool" has always trumped comfort.

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