Around here every department has a different color helmet for thier firefighters. We have white for chief and asst. chief. Red for captain and leuitenants. And yellow for everyone else. Saftey officer is blue. But the neighbors have black, and the officers on other are different colors. This makes it hard for all of us to decifer officers from firemen. If we went to one helmet color for everyone it would make it easier for us to tell.

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In our Dept. The Chief has white, I am not sure about the Ass. Chief because I have only seen him one time but it was in plain cloths, LT.s have black, and the F.F.s have red.
on our dept. chiefs wear white hats, captains & Lt's wear red hats, and regular ff's where black hats, and our jr's where either yellow hats or black hats with a yellow shield that says EXPLORER on it

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