Around here every department has a different color helmet for thier firefighters. We have white for chief and asst. chief. Red for captain and leuitenants. And yellow for everyone else. Saftey officer is blue. But the neighbors have black, and the officers on other are different colors. This makes it hard for all of us to decifer officers from firemen. If we went to one helmet color for everyone it would make it easier for us to tell.

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What about dark green? anyone know. other than the one person that said they use it for instuctors. I know its not EMS or Rescue
White=Chief and Assistant Chief
Red=all other officers
Black=interior qualified
Blue=safety officer(I don't think I've ever seen it worn)
In my dept. the Chief, Asst. Chief and DC wear white, Captains are red, driver/operators are yellow, ff's are black.....FF Recruits are hunter's orange
in NY where im from all departments in the county have modeled there helmet colors from Ithaca fire/rescue...
white---- all chiefs
red------ all other officers
yellow---- interior
black----- exterior
those are the department issued colors. if you choose to buy a leather, you can get what ever color you want to.
when i switched my department over to the cairns 1044i put all firefighters regardless of interior or exterior in black helmets so that they looked the same
the only ones that had a different helmet color was chiefs as i felt that they needed to stick out like a sore thumb. and i did a color scheme with the leather fronts for the 1044
red background for captains
orange for rescue
white for firefighters
blue for firefighters/emt
most of my department is ff/emt so i let them choose between the blue and white, most picked the white and put a star of life tet on there helmet.
now most(90%) of my county departments have adopted my helmet choices

as a side note this quote from sept 1, 2007 .....whatever was cheapest when it was ordered.... i think that that is messed up how can you choose the cheapest gear for yourself and brother firefighters, thats just not right. im not sure how anyone can put a price on someones safety
Chiefs - white
Captains - yellow
Lts. - red
FF's - black
Juniors - orange
EMS - blue
these colors are consistant thru the whole county
My dept has white for all chiefs, the officers just switched to black from red, firefighters have black, probies have black with an orange shield, and juniors have yellow
Ours is

White - Chief and Asst. Chief
Red - Captain
Yellow - LT.
Black - FF and Explorers
WOW talk about alot of varriation! We keep it simple and thereby keep cost down Chief , Asst. Chiefs and our Chaplain all wear white, everyone else wears black our Capt.s and Lt.s wear a white helmet front our engine company's wear black fronts and our ladder co wears red fronts. We do have our explorers wear red helmets which has been the standered throughout our county.
Is this the only thing you can find to "discuss"..? I'm just happy they have one on....who cares what color the darn thing is.....No, Mine isn't white...nor will it ever be....just not politically correct I guess....LOL (In other words I have a big mouth) If you have time to keep track of all those colors then I think maybe you need to put a little more effort to put the fire out and stop looking around...8) Sorry couldn't help myself.....I'm leaving before I say what I am really thinking.....Stay safe.......keep the faith......Paul
When you are a command officer it is nice to know who is in charge of the mutual aid department. If we had one color scheme here so white was chief and red the other officers or what ever color they choose it would be easier to distiguish command officers. When on a scene it would make it easier to find the officer you are suppose to report to. This is just a thought we want all the terminology the same why not ranking colors.
In my dept we have around 30 members, everyone wears black bunker gear and black helmets, we are the only dept in our county that wears black, some of the others do use different colors for the officers. But no matter if its our scene or mutual aid we always report to one of our officers.
Most of our area department's run the same ..Chief- Asst. Chief>White helmet, Captain>Red helmet,Lieutenants>Yellow, Safety Officer> Orange helmet, FireFighter's>Black.. I do have a few Cross Trained that wear Blue Helmets. Can't forget Probie's>>Green I tried for Pink,but the Chief said no!!! I am from an all Volunteer department of about 35 members.

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