Around here every department has a different color helmet for thier firefighters. We have white for chief and asst. chief. Red for captain and leuitenants. And yellow for everyone else. Saftey officer is blue. But the neighbors have black, and the officers on other are different colors. This makes it hard for all of us to decifer officers from firemen. If we went to one helmet color for everyone it would make it easier for us to tell.

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My Dept. the chiefs & captains have white and Lieuts and FF have black ,including the Juniors but there front shields are yellow so others know that they are Juniors. the Juniors were wearing Red but most of them are almost 18 and the cost was about the same, so they decided just to buy black. made sense.
Here in my departments locally there are some differances as well. In one department the captains and chiefs all have white, all the firefighters have black, the junior firefighters have red. In my other department, everyone has black helmets accept the chiefs. The captain has a red shield on his black helmet. I understand the confusion, but aside from NIMS, assume you are all equal and do the job at hand, working together as equals. No pissing matches are necessary.
In my one department, Lt's thru chief is white, FF's are black, and juniors are red, EMS is blue, and everyone new to the department gets a red one. In my other department, chief and capt's is white, FF's yellow, and juniors are red.
Chief - White
Battalion -??????? BC's are being added this month
Captains - Yellow
Engineers - Red Chiefs also calls us his (Lieutenants)
Firefighters - Black

Fairly standard around the county, slight variations

I personally think LT and Higher should be White........Kinda natinonally recgonized as Officer of some sort...
For our entire turnout gear, Chief = white, Asst. Chief = Red, everyone else is black or yellow/brown, whatever was cheapest when it was ordered.
in my department the chief wears white and the assistant chief down threw 2nd LT. are red the firefighters are black
In our Dept. Chief's & Capt's wear white, FF's wear black, Explorers wear blue
Alittle bit of background is in order. Our department serves a community with a permanant population od 34,000 give or take. However we have one major university and 2 smaller colleges. Durring the school year the population swells to about 80,000 or so. We have 3 seperate groups that comprise our department. The full time or "career force", the on call or "call force", and a group of volunteer auxilary firefighters from the colleges refered to as the "student force". Each group has it's own officers however the call and student officers have no authority over the career firefighters. Each group has its own distinct role on a fire scene, and a fairly extensive helmet ID system is used.

White Traditional Style = Chief Of Department/Assistant Chief
Red Traditional Style = Career Captain
Black Traditional Style with Black Front = Career Firefighter
Yellow Traditional Style = On-Call Officer (Deputy Chief, Captain, or Lieutenant)
Black Traditional Style with Yellow Front = On-Call Firefighter
Orange Cairns Metro = Probationary On-Call Firefighter
Blue Cairns Metro = Student Volunteer Officer (Deputy Chief, Captain, Lieutenant)
Black Cairns Metro = Student Volunteer Firefighter
Helmets are black gear is black Chief helmets are white Capt. yellow Jrs are ornage almost
All our firefighters, leading firefighters, station officers and senior station officers wear yellow
commanders wear red, and asst chiefs and the chief wear white.
all of our helmets have rank insignia stickers on the sides, and surname or rego no. on the back
Chief/Asst. Chiefs:White
All others(LT.,Capt,FF,and Jr.):Red

Chief,Asst. Chiefs,LT.,Capt,and Reg. FFs:Tan w/lime,silver,lime triple strip...same pants
Engineer:Blue everything(as far as i know)
Juniors:Red or Yellow Everything
Here its white chief, asst.chief/red capt./yellow FF

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