Have you all heard, Freedom Towers @ ground zero is now once again proposed to become One World Trade Center?

Greetings Brothers, Sisters and FFN family and friends,
I was reading a news article today and I see where the new property owners of what to me has become a sacred place where 343 brothers made the ultimate sacrifice along with countless americans and visitors to our country, is in some way being changed to down play the importance of that historic site. According to the article leasing space in a non-completed building has the new owners edgy, and to lease more units changing the name from Freedom Towers to 1 World Trade Center will somehow down play the history associated with ground zero making it more attractive to perspective lessor's, thus improving the odds that new tennants will flock to the new building. What about you do you think they should change a befitting name chosen by years of work by the tower committee and the public or without a fight let the new folks change the name back to its original postal designation?. I lost a good friend from N.Y.F.D. Rescue 1 that day, and I think he and the others deserve a place of recognition, don't you?.
Yours in the Fire Service,

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i think they should put a monumet there for ower brother and sister that died there and not put up an nother building show all thr firefighters in the us and aroung the wourldthey care about what we do. and theat are fellen bro and sis wount ever be forgoten
I Don't think that the name should be 1 world trade center. that is another terrorist attack waiting to happen and those who died were in both towers 1 and 2 .And another thing I think that there should be a memorial to those not only firefighters but civilians that lost their lives. Because i know that, that day will always be remembered by the generations that it effected but what about the generations that are to come. our kids, kids. They won't comprehend what really happen and just like pearl harbor i think it should be a memorial; Where kids and people who lost love ones can go and remember them and our children 's kids can go and know what happen.
Shawna syth
I’m going to agree with dt on this one; first off I do believe this is a marking ploy to get publicity. I don’t agree with the new name; for most/all of us we have our own name and none of them are Freedom Towers. To me it will always be the World Trade Center just as we remember the other events that shaped/changed our lives; you remember what it was not what it has become.
I would have to agree with damnthing. Everything today is about marketing. Even if the name is not World Trade Center I will still know it as The World Trade Center. To me that seems to be a more fitting tribute than giving the area or buildings different names. Just my opinion of course.

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