You’re the first-due company officer. Your company has arrived at a well involved and progressing fire in a two story wood frame (Type V), residential occupancy, housing two families; one on each floor. It’s 03:50 hours.
You have a report of trapped occupant on the number two floor either in the hallway or bedroom.
The fire is rapidly extending, you observe
pre-flashover conditions on the second floor based upon the smoke assessment.
You have a six person crew, half are experienced the other half are relatively new.
The second due company is at least 5-6 minutes out.
What are you going to do?
You have a limited widow of opportunity….
Think about realistic tactical objectives and tasks…
Think about the time factors…
What are you going to do...YOU have to make the call and right now…?
BTW, you did not pick up a hydrant coming in...but you have a 1000 gallon tank on the engine...
Did I mention, you've got family members "screaming" at you to do something....