ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — A Texas boy abandoned at a fire station as an infant got a special wish for his 10th birthday: meeting the firefighter who saved him.

On Thursday evening, Koregan Quintanilla celebrated his recent birthday by meeting Arlington firefighter Wesley Keck, riding on a fire truck and touring the station.

Koregan was left at the station in 2002 under Texas' Baby Moses law, which allows a parent to leave an unharmed infant up to 60 days old at a fire station or hospital with no questions asked. Child Protective Services then takes custody of the babies. All states have similar laws, but Texas was the first to create one, signing it into law in 1999. It took effect in 2001.

Read more, "Abandoned Boy to Meet Texas Fireman Who Saved Him"

Is your firehouse a safe haven, area of refuge, for civilians?

What other ways has your station - the building itself -  assisted the public?

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All the stations in our county have the Safe Place signs. Since most of the stations belong to volunteer depts they have halls where the public could have places to stay to sit out a situation. Most stations have generators to have power plus commerical kitchens. Our dept has two ice machines for those needs, one in the kitchen and one for station use.

I know that people have come to our station for help. A father and young daughter were down on their luck and came for showers and the county sent out people from social services to see what they could do for them. 

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