The other night at 3:30 AM my department responded to a MVA with DOA. a member of my department was seen driving by the firehouse. not stopping to go on a call, seems like he only shows when its a structure fire, or is already at station. What would you have done, stopped at station or continued going on, knowing your department could use you. and also lets turn this into a more chanllenging game. Since Jan. 1, 2010, how many calls have you been on?

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Melvin, read this, especially point 2:

Don't get fired for Facebook: 10 ways to use social media safely
Good counsel.
I have not seen this particular article before.
It makes some excellent points.
Once something is written in cyber-space there is no taking it back.

*** I wish this website had an edit feature longer than 15 minutes after the comment - without having to just delete the entire comment.
I agree with lutan1 on this one. Be VERY careful what you post on here. There may be members of your dept., possibly the one you speak of, who are reading this very thread.....
Hey. It was 3:30am the guy was probably on his way home from the pub. Smart move not to stop and risk a brothers safety.
That's asking a loaded comment for me....I have been in this Department for a little over 5 years....I have made approximately 87% of ALL the calls over that time period....I will ask you...what do you think I would have done....? LOL
That is a tough one, there could be any number of reasons why he would drive by the station, to many to list. As for the number of calls since Jan I have a combined medic and fire of 318 calls, or approximately 96% of all of our calls.
About the recording of call numbers? In my FRS (a very big one) we are required to put crew attendance on the call report. It all has to go into the computer.
I go to every call when im around, it is our duty as volunteers to be there when our fellow neighbors need us. there are exceptions for not going such as drinking, heading to work etc but for the most part i believe you need to respond if your in the area. If you dont like running calls and are picky about them then do the department your in a favor and resign. Im on 148 calls for the year so far, and thats with working two jobs so i dont like to hear people complain about not having time, thats a load of BS, you have the time if your dedicated
Not everyone who is dedicated has the time or ability to respond to every call, even if they are 'around'. Many of us with families, especially young children, are not able to make calls because we are spending quality time with our kids and/or spouses. I love being a firefighter, and love going to any and every kind of call, but since my son was born last year, my ability to respond to calls has greatly diminished. It's not that I don't want to go, but that it's more important to spend time with my son and wife at this point in my life, plus my wife needs a break from daily mom duty. Just because someone isn't making calls like others 'think' they should, doesn't mean they aren't dedicated, or don't care. It's more likely that they have other commitments and have set a hierarchy of importance to follow for themselves. I am the training officer, and even though I don't make as many calls as I used to, or would still like to, I keep up on my training becuase my main duty in the department now, and one I can fulfill without disruption (because training is on scheduled nights) is training my guys. The fact is that you can still be gung ho about firefighting and not make every call. When I was young and single, I made every single call that came in when I wasn't at work or out of town. Now I do my part as often and as well as I can. Once my son is older, I will probably make more calls again but right now making every call isn't going to happen no matter how dedicated I am. And that's ok in my opinion.
A high number of firefighters end up divorced because they forget that they must make their spouse and family a higher priority than the fire service.

Family first, then work, then community service
Hey no offense by what i said by the way, kinda came out wrong. I've just been kinda frustrated with some of the guys in my dept, including a couple officers, that are always around in the district and do not have their own families yet but still do not go calls. What i was trying to say is as long as your in the district and your not doing anything that is more important to you then you need to go because that is your duty. I didn't mean in anyway that a father who chooses to miss a call in order to spend time with his child isn't dedicated. I just like to see as much participation as possible from members because it is so crutial in the fire service.
I don't think that divorce rate applies to volunteers. If you do let it happen when you're a volunteer then in my opinion you're pretty stupid. You don't have to be at the fire house so there's no excuse to not be with your family when you need to.

If you're a career guy then you HAVE to be there for your shifts. If you lose your job then you can't support your family. It also affects career guys because of the schedule where they are gone nights. Just never heard of a high divorce rate for vollies due to the job.

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