Anyone have any hands-on activities or games you do for kids? We just put together a health and Safety festival and it went really well but I would like to have more activities for next year. So, what does your department do?

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How about an "obstacle" course...? We use a cot and have the kids lie down and then set off a smoke alarm and have them "escape" the fire....Use an old parachute (Military surplus) to simulate the smoke a window/door prop for them to go to, check for heat and them escape...only limit is your imagination...We sometimes run the booster line for them to spray water...they seem to love this....Use your imagination...aren't we all kids at heart...?? I know I am..
Thanks! I was thinking something along these lines.. just didn't know where to start.
We had a board that is the shape of a house. The windows have "fire" in them and when you spray them they "go out"... kids loved it....Thanks for the ideas!
At my hometown we used to have Fire Prevention Day. It's the Saturday that ends fire prevention week. We would start off with a parade, then go to games all day, and end with a dance at the fire station from 8-11 pm. Some of the games were:

Coat races-have 2 lines of kids from certain age groups. They put on and take off the coat until the last kid completes it. What ever team completes it the fastest won. Prizes were usually candy of some sort.

Bycicle rodeo-We used the cake walk circle and had the kids ride around to music. Once the music stopped they had to find a wooden block and put their foot on it. The kid without a block was eliminated. Then you take away a block and do it over again. It's like musical chairs.

Bucket Brigade-Have 2 teams get water from a dump tank to another bucket before the other team fills their bucket

Cake walk-self explanitory

Fire truck rides-loaded up two engines ,cab and hose bed, and took the kids for a ride around about a 5 block area

We also had the kids from K-6th grade draw posters in art class that depicted the fire prevention theme for that year. Then we judged the posters and they won money for placing. The winning posters from all grades were then displayed in the hardware store window for the whole town to see.

These are just a few of the things we did. I hope it helps.
Oh yeah, the most important game of all, Tug-o-war. We used a large heavy rope and did it by age groups, then boys vs. girls, then it was the kids vs. the firefighters. This one was the most popular of all. Kids would come out of the woodwork to take us on. It's a fun day for all involved though.
I would also like to do this but our Chief is against it. That's why my guys want me to run against him this month. He doesn't want to do anything to be involved with the community. Like I said, the tug-o-war was very popular.
We got a couple of neat ideas at a pub ed class we attended. One thing is to get a gray blanket and hold it ( or afix it somehow) about a foot off the ground. Then let the kids practice crawling "under the smoke". Another idea that we have used is a toolbox with tools and toys. You need a few tools (hammer,screwdriver, etc) a few toys, and then things like matches, lighter, candles, etc. The children have to determine which are tools for adults and which are toys for kids. It was a very effective teaching tool.
Oh man, it's a long story. Every idea that I have came up with to get us more involved with the community has been shot down by him or our Asst. Chief, who is also his son-in-law. Hopefully things will change after this next election. That is the main thing I want to change. Everything else will follow. That and the fact that he has pissed off all of our mutual aid depts. so now none of them call us for mutual aid.

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