Ok you get issued a number when you join your department of course the chief is usually 101 asst. 102 and so forth 101-109 on our dept. is for officers  after that the numbers really dont matter. I noticed on other departments it may be different how does it work on yours? I am 102.

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So if you say 101-109 is for Officers on your Dept then why do you say your number is 102?
Again, your question dosnt add up?
ours is set up as 500, 510 515, 516 are Chief, Dep chief, Asst Chief, Batt Chief, 520,530,540,550,560 are captains who are over each individual squad, 521,522,531,532,541,542,551,552,561,562 are the engineeers, and the 3 through 7 on each squad are firefighters, our non-associated part time staff recieve the 8 and 9 positions left in each squad, however they are supervised by thh Batt chief so the Captains do not exceed span of control and this is a Volunteer Dept, with Mon-Fri day time staff.
this message was send from peopel to me to send to yall
Brought to you by the department of redundancy department.
AHHH What?
i like how right under this forum there is another post about how departments give out numbers
Isnt it classic David? Jack is steamin !!!!!!!!!
I like to read the threads and the posts others leave on them...mainly because I like to see what the men and women that are actually in the field add to the website...however...I have seen the hostility your threads have been met with...and now I don't understand the purpose of starting a thread similar to one that already exists.
Please explain your logic.
I don't understand the purpose of starting a thread similar to one that already exists.
Please explain your logic.

It is logically, illogical, in a non-logical sort of way.
Seriously Deitra,

These are the issues that people have with such redundant posts like this. It is almost as though you saw another thread on the exact same topic and started a new thread.....why?

Instead of starting new, redundant threads, how about contributing to existing threads?
Oh...I see.

For us, we are not issued an individual identifier or number. Instead, we are simply, a Capain on an engine company or Captain 18. Same goes for Fire Engineers and Firefighters. The only folks who get numbers are chief officers and staff personnel. Magnetic numbers are placed on each firefighters helmet to indicate what engine they are assigned too. When you show up to work at a station for overtime, you take off you magnet numbers for your home station and replace them with extras at the OT station.

Santa Barbara County FD


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