Fire Depts. with "Old School Tankers" Mack, Peterbilt, Freightliner, Kenworth, real trucks.

I was wondering how many Depts. out there are still running "Old School" Tankers. if so I would like to see some pictures.

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My old department has an old Mack, I'll see if I can get a pic, and our 1863 is an old Dodge with a split shift.

Tanker 11 - 1981 GMC 2300 gallons
We have a 75 GMC 7500, with a two spped rear end and a 427 big block. It holds two thousands gallons and has dumps on the back and both sides.

We are still useing a 1951? 5 1/2 ton. 3000 gallon tank and slower than slow. tops speed of about 30mph when full of water.
Is that Greenville tanker around a 78-82? Not to often do you see a tanker with a airlift pusher in front of the drive axle. Does that have a 2 speed rear? Does it have a maxiadin mack motor?
Not really "old skool" but it's a true work horse '94 Mack/S&S 1000gpm/2500tank
it is a 74 mack with a 300hp maxidine it is a straight 5 speed the tag axle was added about 10 years ago to improve braking.
International chasis with a old milk truck tank on it. NO baffles!! Makes you a very cautios driver.
Matt I question your wording of "real truck", do you mean slow, poorly designed, and inefficient?
Because I feel I have a real truck, just not any of your manufacturers though.

530 HP 6 man cab, 2000 GPM Pump / 2500 gallons water / Remote Control extendable 10" square jet dumps on three sides, Class A Foam / and 2200' 4" Supply Line
Showing our old International tanker (The Hog) and it's replacement, a Peterbilt (The Beast).

Both are reprinted with permission of the owner.

the old one was 3650 gallons, converted milk tanker, no baffles.

the new one is 3500, baffled to NFPA, dumps on sides and rear - all controllable from the cab.
this pete's sweet....not old but old school.'99 3000 gallon Pete,S&S body, 750 gpm pump..and best of all the train whisle

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