We used to be a big Hurst user, but now we have gone with Genesis, reasons for the switch was price, weighs less & you can run two tools off of one pump with out having to use a split block. One of the nice things about the genesis that I havent seen with other providers is the pedal cutter
we were big hurst users now were slowly starting to phase in res-q tec for the price and the q tool which is a pedal and steering wheel cutter with a swivel head.
We use all Phoenix. They're the best thing out there as far as quality, durability, and versatility that we've found. They are definately worth it. We've got they're Model 18 cutter/spreader and we really use it too. It's just light-weight and compact to fit into tight spaces. Most of the departments around us use Phoenix tools too.
I gotta go with Hurst, Our Heavy Rescue and 2 Medium Duty rescues are Equipped with them. We tested Holmatro for our new Heavy rescue and well we snapped one of the cutter's teeth just cutting a door hinge as we would with the Hurst. heck after the Holmatro broke we cut the same hinge with the Hurst. They maybe slower but I still like em.
Our dept. was a long time hurst user but a few years ago we switched to T.N.T. and what a difference . They are a great tool and the service is awesome. If a tool breaks they have a demo tool or a new tool to you in less than 24 hours so you are not out of service if you are a small company. They are fast, powerfull and reliable. They can cut a nader pin with no problem. A nice tool they offer is the telescoping ram, one ram can go from 20" to 60" and you don't need to reposition.