This just ticks me off.  I really hope that the local officials catch this guy.


Has anyone had something like this happen at their station?

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Wow... I am glad that no one was hurt by his actions.
We've had ambulances stolen from the hospital a few times.
Wow, That is rediculous, I hope they get the sorry piece of road trash that did that. People amaze me.. We've had a few false calls over the years, but never a vehicle stolen from the station
I hope they caught the idiots.... Makes my blood boil when that happens..... We have had equipment stolen from our station and the neighboring station, but never when on a call.
Eh it happens. It's a big city with a ton of not so nice areas.
Yes, several times... different years.

The worse by far was the one Spring when a group of high school aged kids were calling in bomb threats and other such complicated calls at local child filled locations, like the public high school and daycares. Lucky for the FD - bomb threats are very interesting to the PD so they were in hot pursuit of the callers.

It took 6 weeks to catch them... and 40 calls...

The PD charged them with felonies - Thank God!

What did these teens say was there main purpose - to get dismissed from school early !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- since bomb threats mean evacuation... and usually dismissal to remove kids from the campus out of the police and fire department's way
We are small town (don't blink). The hubs and I cut down the over grown trees and brush on our property to that we can keep an eye on the station. Since we did that we have not had any issues.
Sheesh!!!!! I wonder what they parents thought.....
Here's a video that shows a police car up in flames in the first few seconds of it. It's not as common now that the city has cleaned up but it still happens once in awhile.
Their parents were like "kids will be kids" bs

I said fine... then let's send the parents a bill for all resources exploited and wasted... that will change their tune to the cost of millions of dollars

PD - FD - Bomb Squad - SWAT - FBI, etc. etc. etc. etc. AND it added 13 days onto the end of the school year to make up lost school hours

And to make it even more scary this was during a time when buildings were being bombed in the U.S. and kids were shooting up schools.

Within a few weeks, the authorities had figured out it was teen boys - but that did not add peace - since teen boys can kill people just as well as grown ups.

And other kids at their high schools ended up turning them in - after heavy interrogations of groups of students.

It was VERY SCARY - and almost everyone I knew pulled their kids out of the high school and had them stay home for weeks... including myself... after one high school got 3 bomb threats in 3 consecutive days...
I cannot stand that kind of mentality. It just set kids up to be repeat offenders. When I went to school it was a pretty cool place to go, even for a nerd like me, now i would much rather be home schooled.

I HAVEN'T HEARD THAT TERM IN DECADES.... and I have never heard a grownup say it... thanks for the trip down memory lane...

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