I was stupid, and under 21, and made a couple fake ids for myself and a couple friends to go to the bars. Somehow a cop came to my house and I ended up admitting that I made a few fake drivers licenses so me and my friends could get into the bars on capus. I and was arrested last year and charged wit a misdemeanor that stated “Illegal/unlawful use of an id card. I didn’t end up getting a conviction because I got court supervision. I was lucky to not have gotten into more trouble and will be graduating next year with a Bachelors Degree in Business with a 3.2 GPA. Other than that incident I am a good kid and involved in many leadership positions at my school.

Is there any chance of me getting hired as a firefighter with my background?

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There should be some departments that will hire you. The important thing is to be honest on your applications and interviews.
"I was stupid". Since you referred to the past tense I'm assuming that you are "smarter" now. Courts have a way to do that to people. Being in the fire service requires a person to have self control and not having to be supervised to control illegal actions. I believe you might have a hard time proving yourself. Since you're up front about this all you can do is try. I can be done but maybe not as soon as you want it to. Good luck. TCSS

Excessive alcohol consumption has not place in the fire service either.
Believe me. I FULLY understand the seriousness of what I have done and have truly learned from my experience and changed my outlook on life. If I continue on down the right road with getting good grades, getting emt cert. and taking fire science classes how do I emphasize that it was a stupid mistake? Would it be better to try to wait a few years before even trying to break into the fire service?
Additionally, I am not a heavy alcohol user at all, we just though it was exciting to go to the bars. But I really don’t drink much and keep myself in good shape. I also do volunteer work for habitat for humanity, maintain good grades and hold three leadership roles in various clubs on campus. I am a good interviewer and like to think that I present myself well but it is hard to do so to the fire service with such a dark black mark on my record.
You are fine nothing wrong with drinking
I am not worried about the drinking. But a detective came to my college house and I had to tell him that a MADE some fake ids for me and my friends so it is kinda more serious than just USING a fake id or drinking. All that info is only avalible on the police report though on a general background check it only states

“Illegal misuse of an ID card”

But I am sure that fire depts. Get their hands on every shred of info. Plus I need to tell the truth because otherwise I am automatically disqualified no matter what I do.

I am kinda stumped because I don’t want to do anything else with my life but be a firefighter and help people but I dunno if that is going to be possible anymore.
It will depend on a lot of things.

How long ago was it?
What have you done in the time since?
What the background questions are.

Many departments now use forms that are rather vague to some offenses, so that you may have to admit to just about anything.

ENGINELADDER....He wasnt just drinking, he was using a fake ID, and he made the fake ID. Thats not "just drinking".

John, if at all possible, try to meet with someone who is either in human resources or a background investigator. Tell them of the error and what you have done since, how you learned from your mistake etc. See what they say as to how to approach this matter.
There is asignificant difference between being arrested or charged with a crime as compared with Convicted of a crime, Court Supervision is a sentencing disposition which may follow a guilty plea or a finding of guilt after trial. Court Supervision, if received and successfully completed, means that you will not have a record of conviction on the charge. The concept of Court Supervision is like a continuance, pending the defendant's good conduct, with dismissal of the charges upon acceptable compliance. If the conditions are complied with, the conviction does not become a part of your record.
According to your post, you have no record of conviction, therfore I do not believe you have a problem. It would basically the same if you were arrested for burglary and found not guilty. Most applications ask if you have been convicted of a misdomener or felony. In your case, you indicated the verdict was set aside, for counseling.
I agree with Jake Fireman, if it's important to you do some checking with with people (Capts. Chiefs, HR) on the fire dept/s you are interested in joining. Don't just go into an interview hoping that it won't come up and not having a porper answer if or when it does. The one thing I tell every rookie is... "The easiest thing to get and the hardest thing to get rid of on the fire dept. is a bad reputation." Good luck.
When I went court I did plead guilty to the charge of “Illegal Misuse of an ID Card”. I received 6 months court supervision and didn’t get in trouble again. Therefore I didn’t end up being convicted but was still arrested and pled guilty. Also if they access my police reports they will give more details to the case pertaining to the fatct that I actually made some fake ids for me and my friends instead of just “miss-used one.
You sound like an honest young man with others and yourself. Just keep that up and go for it. TCSS
John, that will be entirely up to the policy and rules of the Department your applying to. State Law may play into it also if there are any specific to your area. There is no one size fits all answer to your question. Big thing is you should disclose any indiscretions up front rather then have them find these things when they do the background on you.

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