How do you us them??????...
Do you have them put on stand by when called out to a mva or a bad call ????.
Do you wait on scene or drive to meet them on the way to the trauma hospital.

In my area the closest Chopper 35 mins to a hour away..
Alot of time we load pt then drive up 81 to a landing zone then unload pt to chopper..
Closet Trauma center 100 miles away both directions...
Just would like to know how other people do it ..
If they have one or would they like to see one come to there area....

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If a call is tripped as a bad MVA,our 911 center automatically puts the bird on standby and as soon as our OIC gets there they can request them to fly.We have StatMedavac usually but we can also get Lifeflight if needed.If thewre is any question and the bird can fly,medical command usually has them fly to Erie,Youngstown,or Pittsburgh.We had a wreck a while back where we had to use 5 birds(one broke down on the ground at the scene).System works here pretty well most of the time.
We don't use them often. We have about 15 hospitals in a 15 minute drive including four level 1 trauma centers. Usually pointless to wait for one. I have seen instances where they help though. About 6 months ago there was a drive-by shooting that was part of a gang initiation. The shooter drove by a bus stop with an AK-47 and unloaded on everyone. I forgot how many were transported, but I think it was about 13 with 8 deaths. That time they had helicopters lined up. They usually use ones owned by hospitals or by the US Park Police. I think MPDC(DC police) are going to eventually start transporting for us too from what I hear. They already have plenty of copters.

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