i just moved to wi. and i am wondering wat the emergancy light laws are for personal vehicles

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1 fire call? thats it? sounds to me ur a wanna be!
I would not say that Scott. Maybe his area doesnt have many fires. We have not had a fire call in 3 weeks now. We only average 35 a year. So does that make me a wanna be also? I am in no way defending Zach here for the record.
we were a privetly owned fire dept. we never got any calls. and it was a trailer park. 300 hundred trailers.
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM Never heard of such a thing. BUt hey there is alot of things I dont know.
we are the only privetly owned fire dept. in the US. we have a sign that says it too.
and if u want to get technical. weve had 3 calls. 2 of them false alarms
Hi Zachary; I hope you apply to the dept in your area as soon as possible I am sure they can use all the good help they can get, experience will come with time, but in the mean time you can train with your new department & take state & county training to gain knowledge & experience. If you really want to be a firefighter again don't be shy find out when the department meets &/or trains and go right down to the station. I am not familiar with laws for lights in Wi. I am from NY so I can not help you there. However, it might be wise to wait to buy lights till you are in the department because sometimes department or certain areas have specific light requirements in their by-laws etc, so it may say state law allows you red lights or white lights, etc but then the by-laws may say you can only have rotators or only strobes, etc and then you would be stuck with the wrong lights unless you could resell them, but probably at less than you paid.
So good luck, and I hope you join your department soon.
Captain Kevin C. Ross Pembroke NY Fire Department
"300 hundred trailers."

its a trailer park
Privately owned fire department for a trailer park with three hundred trailers ( I can almost hear country music in the background as I type)? That's interesting but your sign is false advertising I know of two "privately owned" fire departments in my area, of course they are lake front homes with a golf course and houses worth more than I will ever see. ( The small vollie department in the area wasn't qualified enough for the rich folk). As for the lights hold off until you actually get on the department they might have different laws than the state or require a certain amount of EXPERIANCE and TRAINING before they turn you loose with lights.
Hi Zach I am from southwest WI and yes in WI you can have red lights and a siren in your vehicle, however it is the decision of your chief to let you have them or not. In my dept you cannot have anything until after you have had cert 1 training. And then after that the chief has to approve you. The law regarding lights in WI is that if you only have just a light other motorists technically do not have to pull over for you, but if you have both a light and a siren it is the law that they must pull over for you. Not saying that they will because trust me not everyone does. Some people have a hard time pulling over for our fire trucks with the lights and sirens going. By the way what part of WI are you moving to?
Actually the "department" you were on is not the only privately owned fire department in the U.S., there is a company called Rural/metro ambulance service that also provides fire protection through contracts to cities which makes them privately owned. Lot's of factories provide thier own fire protection which also makes them privately owned. So the "FD" you were "on" may have a sign that says they are the only privately owned FD but it is not correct. We have a trailer park in my district that has about 330 trailers that would never be able to afford to fund a privately owned fire dept. As far as the lights go if you contact a fire dept. and the first question you ask is "can I have lights" they are going to know that the only reason you want to join is to put lights and sirens in your car. If you tried to join my dept. and that was the first question you asked you would not be joining.


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