Last nite there was earthquakes in Texas around Dallas . About the same time there was one 3 miles outside of Rockport Arkansas 2.7 . We know that was small but it did make an impression . It shook houses but not a lot of damage and scared a lot of people around here . Some people are asking what we will do about this . What happened in Dallas any damage ?

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Never heard of this tell now, I'm glad we don't get those here.
I didn't know about Texas. We had a small one a 2 point something here in Tn.

It just shook the beejesus out of the people between Dallas and Fort Worth. Cracked a few walls but that's it. I was at DFW after a flight when it rattled, but being in CA during two big ones ('71 and '94), and it was 'nutin. I guess everything in TX is big except quakes otherwise we would have one hellava stampede. TCSS
I was there in 71 .
Then you know what a quake is. I was in Santa Monica.

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