Last week I went to lunch with some co-workers (non-FFs) and the discussion rolled around to my involvement with the FD. One of the guys said "well, you must have guys that just join the department for the drinking". This recalled to mind another comment by someone, some years back, who swore that ALL volunteer FFs drank at the station and "those who say they don't are lying".

In my department you might find a 6-pack or two if you look in every nook and cranny, but we really don't touch the stuff on drill night or after calls, or meetings. There just isn't stuff to touch. In the late 80s we had the converted soda machine that dispensed several brands of beer but we got rid of it because the Jr. FFs were becoming interested in the stuff.

So - what is your department policy or practice regarding alcohol in the firehouse?

NOTE: 10/16/09: I started this thread over two years ago to gather input from other volunteer firefighters on FFN as it was then. The new theme is, what steps can we take to make America's fire houses 100% dry?

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If we touch any alcohol we are not allowed on calls, so we don't have alcohol in the fire house usually. Nor do we use it for events, except our banquet, and then we have mutual aid that night.
I for one do like the mind altering beverage on occasion. However it is a Very Strick rule around the department actually County that if you consume, possess or for the most part even Think about it while on the property or before a call you... Well lets just say it aint pretty. All the guys/girls at my station are cool and trust them with my life, but to think there is a possibility that they will can respond after having a Frosty Beverage scares the $%^#$% out of me. We have enough problems with keeping things safe and to think i have a slush backing me up on a hose aint gonna happen if i have anything to say about it.
But again, i do not have anything against anyone having fun.
Alcohol does not in the firehouse whatsoever.

To quote Stan Lee of Marvel Comics..
E'nuff said!
Is the alcohol content in beer in Belgium the same as beer in the US, anywhere from 3% - 7%?

I don't know where the "tradition" of beer in the fire house started. It sure wasn't in the midwest.
Well, don't blame us Northeasterners. Must have come from south of the Mason-Dixon line, for sure.
The one that had moonshine in it?
LMAO LMAO you want to make FD dry lots of luck on this one
Hey, Im on a Paid Depart. and regardless Paid, Vol, on - call, whatever the status---Tht shld be a BIG No-No regardless.
I feel tht it is very unprofessional 2 do at the station and so much liability is at stake. Now if U want to get a drink after work/ hrs, thts cool, But Dont wear ur uniform n public doin it. Over this way (like many places) the community/ public is Watchin U & the lil one's look up 2 U us more than they do the police. We constantly ask the community to vote on "YES" on new equipment, new stations, trucks, money 4 raises to help recruit/ attract qualified individuals. If the public / community finds out or even hints tht We (firemen) are drinking on the job...... We would never get any of the items tht we ask them 4. They depend on us to protect their property and help their family in their times of need and to show up on the scene with/in a "sober" mind state , so we can get the job done without any problems. Like I stated b4 , so much liability is at stake, Im a Driver on a Quint & its My responsibility to get the crew to the scene safely and to be involve in a situation wth alcohol on my breath, no doubtly would cost me my career. Plus I agree with "damnthing" If U allow them to drink, when is too much---- Too Much/!?!?!?
We used to get 1/2 kegs on a regular basis for Friday nights - "Attitude Ajustment", but after alot of heated discussions from the old timers and some prodding from our insurance carriers we have adopted a less "wet" house rule. Now you might see a few 6 packs for after a meeting, and if you drink your out of service for the night.
I get the feeling that this is the EverReady Bunny thread.
Blond or Brune?
LOVE Affligem!

One of the few I can get in South Texas!

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