If you live anywhere near a nuclear power plant or if you ever thought about how to prepare for a terrorism related event (Dirty Bomb Scenario), there's a household remedy you might want to keep on hand, in case there's ever a nuclear accident. This also includes responding to an incident where you know ahead of time that there is a chance of radiation exposure.
Remember Routes of Entry!
A nuclear reactor on the rampage (like the one in the infamous Three Mile Island incident) releases a whole bunch of radioactive gases, but the one medical experts believe is most harmful to humans is iodine-131. This gas tends accumulate in liquid form in the thyroid gland, which stores iodine, and, over time, can cause cancer(s).
However, if the thyroid gland is already replete with non-radioactive iodine when a nuclear accident occurs or if you have exposure from an emergency response, the body will simply excrete the iodine-131 absorbed from the contaminated air.
Studies done on lab animals suggest that by just swabbing the palm of the hand or one knee with tincture of iodine - a common disinfectant - if you hear news or a nuclear reactor accident nearby, may help you protect yourself and your family.
One study included injecting two groups of rats with iodine-131. One group was fed the prescription formula potassium iodide, while the paws of the other group of rats were dipped in non-prescription tincture of iodine. Both methods of treatment blocked the thyroid's absorption of iodine-131.
Executive Summary: Before an incident occurs, stock up on Tincture of Iodine. Should an incident occur, news reports will report this information and you won't be able to find an ounce of the stuff, anywhere...
Failure to prepare is preparing for failure... Be prepared!
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