Does anyone use customer service surveys on their department? We send one out on a random basis to residents in our fire district that we have responded to and ask a series of questions to determine the effectiveness of our response. Curious if anyone else out there does something similar, what do you do, has it been a successful program, etc., etc.
When I was on the department I sent them to both fire and EMS calls. We always asked how could we have better served you. We got some great feedback. If we got a negative response either the Director or myself made a call immediately to talk to the person and tried to provide damage control. It was usually very well received that their complaint was taken seriously and handled quickly.
We have in the past, and will probably send some out at random. We received positive responses except that only approximately 10% bothered to send them back.
Do you only send them to residents or businesses that you have responded to? Have you considered a mass mailing, say with your annual fund drive or something?