Meet "Crispy" the cat.

Crispy was pulled from a garage fire last week by the MFB, here in Melbounre.

As can be seen, Crispy has suffered some pretty significant burns all over, including to the paws, legs, ears and head.

Crispy was brought in to my wifes workplace after the fire- she's a Nurse at a 24 hour Animal Trauma centre.

He's now been brought home to recover and receive more attention and care.

He's got a big road to recovery ahead of him, but hopefully all will go well- I'll keep you up to date.

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Fire Kills. even our loved animals. when a farmer has to shoot 5000 sheep in 2 days and then bury them, it really hits home. Any fires are bad but we sometimes forget what the animal population goes through.
It's a good point, and the 5000 sheep are the promary income as well which really hits home...
18 hours later you would think there would be more comments lutan
I feel some times I get closer to their way of thinking and then Bang, I realise i am still miles away.
Hows the cat doing. Do you know if the cat can stil see?
Yeah he can see- he's eating and drinking.

Obviosuly having problems walking properly, but is pretty damn smoochy considering the circumstances....
Not a pretty sight at all. I am surprised it survived, usually just like us humans the smoke kills long before the fire can do any real damage.

Poor little thing, obviously the vets think it can survive otherwise they wouldn't be working on it still.
I think that cat had someone watching out for it. Here is to hoping it has a full recovery!
Poor Little guy.. Are you keeping him?
Personally i think you should :)
Poor little guy!!! Hope he recovers fast!!! Please keep me posted on his recovery... My wife, and I are very big animal lovers!!!! Thanks...
Poor little man.... Hope he recovers.... Eating and drinking are good signs....
Of course I hate to see any type of creature suffer from burns due to fire even though I personally don't have any pets. I hope this little fellow makes a full recovery and lives a long happy life. It sounds like he has been receiving quality care which will aid him on his road to recovery.
Wow what a lucky little cat. Hope he makes a full recovery.


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