Posted on December 24, 2008 at 6:30am
This is a story of my experiences that I was asked to write for a local book about a wildfire that came through my area in 2006.
30 celsius is 86F
Just to refresh your memory, the Grampians fires, started on Thursday night the 19/1/06 by lightning strike on Mt Lubra. The fire was not found until 7.30 am the next morning. The forecast was hot and dry with a north wind until Sunday with a southerly…
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There's been a fire going just east of the Dandenong Ranges since last week, it's just flared up again according to one of the DSE towers. Bunyip State PArk.
Ah the Canberra Incident... That was one LONG DVD... Was one of you three the driver of the chief's vehicle that was rescuing the civilian population as well as firefighters? The fire seemed to go on and on and on and on... How long was the flame front? It seemed like a very impossible situation, especially when you see a firetruck on fire along the side of the road.
Anyway, what you guys want is some feedback, so here's a start:
1. Why on earth were multiple firetrucks hosing down eucalyptus trees instead of protecting houses?
2. Can backfiring techniques be employed to create black areas to help direct the fires ar0und structures?
3. We need to discuss further the concept of homeowners staying behind to save their structure. Too many needed rescue which diverted minimal firefighting forces to do any suppression activities.
4. Do you have air tankers to do fire retardant drops ahead of the fire front? Helicopters?
5. What was the plan?
6. How much time did you know that the fire front was going to hit the structures?
7. Are your engines set up for pump and roll evolutions, moving from house to house?
8. Do you have the ability to foam structures ahead of the fire front?
9. I did not hear radio traffic that reflected use of the ICS system where areas are divided up into a command structure but then again, some of the language was difficult to understand do to different terminology.
That's a good start guys. Talk to you soon.
Please e-mail me at to further the discussion.
Hope you have a Safe and Happy New Year!
Stay safe. Train often.