What would you do at this point?

What would you do at this point?

There is a lot already taking place here.  A hose crew is at the door or inside.  A guy is taking out a window or something to that effect on the D side.  And someone is on a ladder.

There is some nasty smoke pushing out of this structure.  It definitely is under pressure.

Time is running out for keeping this in check and an interior attack.  We’ve all been here and we know how this can go.

At this point in the fire, what ventilation tactic would you use and why?

If you need to, redirect these crews and put them where you think they will make the most progress and explain your actions.

Share with your crew and post your discussion points.  We always get great feedback and we know you have some goo ideas, so, let’s hear them.

Stay safe and be careful.  Get yourself healthy and stay healthy.


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First, I believe this home may be of balloon frame construction, heavy dark smoke is pushing from a ground level window below the porch on the D side, I can also make out a flame lapping up the exterior of the D side wall behind the hunched-over firefighter. Couple that with the obvious fire showing on the 1st floor of the D side. Either that, or there is a massive hole in the floor somewhere in there. This home is already lost. Vertical ventilation would work best in releasing the most pressure, but I highly recommend against using it on a balloon framed structure, you're sure to lose the home then. Continue with the horizontal ventilation.

Assuming I have the manpower for this exercise, everyone in the picture is going to continue doing what they're doing. We may get lucky, but it's looking doubtful. At a minimum I can see that two more lines need stretched. A backup line for the interior crew, and a 2 1/2 to the A/D corner for support, protection during the transition to defensive, and exposure protection. Once the transition has been made the two interior lines can be redeployed to the B side.
Wish the picture was bigger. I need to know where the seat of the fire really is. Judging from the smoke, there is a good chance it will be flashing quite soon, and interior operations if started, need to be stopped and go deffensive until conditions change. The dude on the ladder is in for a quick ride down with his pants full of brown stuff too lol. Wish I could see what the C side looked like. "Command to C sector.. give me a sit. rep " Can we start PPV from the C side, and blow this sucker out the front like it wants to? Exposure protection is important, as fire venting from the D side shows, this exposure building is going to be damaged by radiant heat. At this point likely just siding. I agree with Doug and the Chief. No vertical vent. Hell if you cant find the roof, how can you ventilate it? All in all, I believe these guys are doing ok. I have to assume the seat of the fire is in the middle (or where its venting on the D side.)
BUT, once I knew the condtions on that C side, if its better than the A, the guys will be redeployed to the C side to blast it out the A side. AND, stay the hell out of that building until it flashes and we can cool things down enough to go offensive. Right now.. Deffensive. Sorry for their loss, and I am glad we got the entire family, and their pets, and their money, and their furniture etc out of that house before it got out of control. Nice spring or summer day, so not a bad idea to get some extra bodies for rehab in there too. What did I miss?
Click on the picture, it becomes a little bigger.
I'm thinking that the guy on the B side is forcing a basement door and there appears to me to be a heavy fire presence there. I f that's the case then we need to get the interior crew out and go defensive
Roy, The ff forcing the basement door is on the D side. Go clockwise around the house from the address side A,B,C,D. Just helping you out bro
Another thing I see is a white hat feeding hose into the A side. I know what he's NOT doing...keeping a panoramic view on what's going on.
Is the white hat feeding the hose? or Pulling it back? Sometimes the white hat has to do what has to be done. Picture yourself inside that building humping the hose and it gets caught on something and you NEED to advance NOW. Would you care if the white hat fed it, or would you be pissed off if there was a delay in having the hose fed because there was nobody right there right at that specific moment that could feed the hose except for a white hat and he wouldn't do it cuz..well.. he is the white hat? I would be concerned if that white hat was doing the interior attack, or constantly doing everything but what is expected of him. No problem helping advance the line if the guys are already too busy or if there is not enough guys at that single moment.
Thanks John my bad.
I would have the guy on the ladder come down which it looks like he's doing, have him get with the guy masking out and put that line to netter use. I would have the hunched over fire fighter take over for the white hat. I would have the firefighter by the fire on the d side pull a 2 1/2 to the a/d corner for protection just in case it was needed. The fire has already self ventilated there. I may be missing some pieces but that's what I see and would do with what I see in the picture.
My concern is that if he is doing this, maybe next he does that, and then that, and then nobody's keeping their eye on the big picture. I understand about the issues of manpower, but I've also seen alot of freelancing in the absence of organized command.
I totally agree Blair. In the pic it really does look like the white hat is wearing an SCBA. While I am glad to see that, and feel EVERYONE on scene should wear one (I am a little bit biased due to my situation) I don't often see command wearing them. Therefore, I would wonder if this white hat is not just itching to get into the action. If that's the case, I hope there is an incident commander that is not seen in the picture. Very tough to call it just looking at a pic though.
Forgot to mention call in a second alarm for manpower, rit team, and rehab.

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