Does anybody know what to expect when going to interview for a volunteer firefighter. I have a Chiefs interview tomorrow and just want to see how one goes before. Thanks

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Haven't heard of a formal interview for a volunteer position, but that's a great concept. A chief should know his folks as well as possible and it's nice to eliminate surprises, too. Just be yourself. Relax, but remember body language speaks volumes. Be professional, but be ready to throw in a little humor if it seems appropriate. Dress the part (as casual as you would for a fire meeting, for example). Best of luck!
Never heard of it my self, Here they just get nominated and people vote, and thats it..... Best of luck tho!!!
Yes, at my last volunteer spot in florida that is how they did it also, this sounds a little more formal. Have you had a formal interview before?
I know of several depts around the state that do have a formal interview process for volunteers. For the most part, they are much more relaxed than going for a career dept and tends to be more of dept expectations than what you bring to the table. Basically, it can be like the dept requires certain certs, time for drills, calls, etc and if the applicant understands the time commitment and so forth. It also helps to understnad your experiences, why you want to be on the dept, what you do offer, but don't expect it to be as intense as a career job. Dress the part as mentioned, you don't need a suit, but don't come in looking like a bum either. While many departments will take almost anyone, not all volly depts are hurting for people. Good luck.
I was planning on a sport coat!
While it's not a "Chief's" interview, I do a short interview every person who asks to apply. I find out a little about their experience if any, whether they are employed or in school. I ask where the live, and whether the have a spouse, and if so, what he/she thinks about the applicant wanting to volunteer. I explain the department process for accepting volunteers, and give them a short synopsis of what will be expected of them. I give them a chance to ask questions. Over the years, I have learned to read people not only by their answers to questions, but I have also learned to read their body language as well. The Chief does his own interview when they come in to do their background check.

We, as are many departments in this country are hurting for volunteers, but we won't take anyone just because they are breathing and have a pulse. I believe that a short interview allows both parties an opportunity to develop an impression of each other and usually the applicant decides then, whether or not they really want, or can meet the departments expectations. Some return, many don't.
When I joined my fire dept for the first time, I had a interview with the board of fire commissioners and I had a interview with the reference committee. This was not formal, they told me come in normal dress.
Just be yourself! If you get to nervous then you may not be able to say what you want to say and how you want to say it.The interview is not to pick you apart so you don't join it's to get a feeling of who you are as a person and to find more out about you other than what they read on your resume or application.
And definately be prepared for some "how would you handle this" kind of questions and don't be scared to throw some humor in their.I told my Cheif that I hope that he gets dressed when the pager goes off in the middle of the nite cause I really don't want to see him in his underwear!!! He got a good chuckle and it was a breeze but if you get uptight they will see it,But they know that there will be some sort of nervousness but they can can look past most of it.

GOOD Luck let us know how you make out!!!!
You mean there's a possibility that they wouldn't accept someone? Really?

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