well this is more for you volunteers. but what is the sop for having cell phones while at your department like during meetings and on calls? my department allows cell phones but they just ask that you dont answer them during calls. but im just curious because of a certain situation thats goin on with another person in my department and me.

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leave cell phones in the car or in the truck at calls... and meeting and traingin lock them up in office.... they are becoming a bigger problem then they are help....they cause fights...u cant be texting or talkin trying to fight fire or drive a fire truck...or doing traffic...
At my department they are ok with phones, as long as you don't use it while on calls, unless it pertains to the incdent, don't use it durring class or meetings. But the big no no is useung it while driving an apparatus, we've had a problem with one person with that issue. Just use common sense.
Does anyone else remember back in the eighties and early nineties when we did not have cell phones. Now day people seem to panic when they get more than two feet away from their phones.

We started an essentials class at my station and had a problem with the phones on the first night of class, so on the second night I called all my fire fighters into the office and made they put their phones in the filing cabinet then locked the office door until after the class.

I had a couple people mad at me for doing so and was even told I could not do it because what if someone had an emergency my response was "I am the chief and welcome to the eighties."
Good for you, turk.
We have actually had employees QUIT their job with us, because we told them that they could not have the cell phone on at work. You'd have thought that we were violating their civil rights.
Come to think of it, they believe that a cell phone is a right.
They have to be kept on silent at all times and if we are on a call, training, or meeting you don't answer them. You also must not talk on them while driving apparatus.
well, in our department most people have the sense to put it on vibrate. but if not, the person will 9 times out of 10 leave the room if they get a call. we're pretty good about it here
Does anybody have a copy of a cell phone use policy that they can forward to me. This has escalated to a major issue in our department. We need to get a SOP in place.

Please forward to : thomas.becker@navy.mil
we really don't have issues with cell phones. when we have work to be done we get the work done. now we do have trouble with phones in our training room. why have phones on when you are training? training could save your life one of these days. so i think phone should be off during training.
Well the cell use at our meetings is the easy part,we have really bad service in the hall and usually nobodys phone works. As far as while on calls, if I seen someone using there phone on scene when there is something more important to be done, I would be chewing some a$$.
We are also a vollie and we all have cell phones (personal) we get iris alerts over them. I do not carry my with me ona fire call for the simple fact of high heat and water do not mix well with cell phones.
our department does not have any sog/sop on cell phone, the officers use the cell phones alot in the areas that the radios do not trasmit well (dead spots). also the cell phone is used for information not wanted over the radio
Our department policy is only official business may be conduct on C-Phones during calls. During meeting they must be on vibrate, and you must leave the room to answer them.
As far as your situation the chief should call the member in and advise him that the information he is passing out is incorrect and what the truth is, and also advise him that if he continues to pass on false information there will be diciplinary conquences. Then the chief should write a letter to the department that recieved the incorrect information informing them of the correct information. Maybe the chief could also request that the member who was dispersing the incorrect information could also write a letter to the department you are trying to get in, you, and your chief explaining that he mistakenly misinformed them and applogize for any problems that he caused for you and them.
Good luck! Have A Great Night! Stay Safe!!! Captain Kevin C. Ross

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