The KBMT-tv story this morning mentioned that burglar bars impeded FF efforts to reach the children, though this was not reported in the print articlesl or mentioned in the press release by OFD. My questions to the group are have you encountered them before and how did you deal with them. They're not very common in our rural AOR.
We very RARELY encounter them in our area, but when we do, most of them can be easily entered by using the BIG bolt cutters. On the really well made ones, this won't work. But on the cheaper wrought iron ones, works like a champ.
very unfortunate. I send my condolences.
We have none in our area. We checked. But just in case some are added that we don't know of, we have bolt cutters and blades that we will use. If they don't work, we'll use the spreaders. But again, never had to work on them.