Permalink Reply by John on February 3, 2009 at 9:03am
Most definitely, have a safety officer be in charge of of scene safety on the fire ground, there will still be those unforeseen circumstances that cause injury or worst but having them around and some set protocols would be a big step in the right direction.
We should always continue to look at what we do and find ways to do it better and safer. Its not a should we do it. Its how can we encourage everyone do to it.
I agree with you 100%, and encouragement is definitely the hardest point. I just keep harping and the guys now I am going to so at least when I am around the seem to tow the line. Lead by example definitely helps. Training creates knowledge and knowledge breeds safety.
100% Turk. Always safety first. there are some out there that think it won't happen to me, Well guess what it does when you least expect it. It is driving me nuts the more fires I see and the guys are fighting it without their SCBA. They show it on TV news all the time. We just had training last night and it was on seat belt issues and we all had to put on our belts and then our SCBA after watching a video on it. Some guys complained but then tried it themselves and it all was good.
Scene safety has and always will be a top priority. Every firefighter watchers out for each other and is responsible for the safety of each other. Officers and safety officers can not be everywhere and they realize this. Unsafe acts are reported and the fire chiefs for three department with automatic aid, we work to address violations and hold everyone responsible for safety