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a willingness to love, support and care for those you are close to. This is not flippantly bestowed. This is earned by circumstances and time.
Brotherhood is a group of people that stand together no matter what. When your down, he should
be there to help you up. When you are hungry, he should give you food. When you are hurt, he
should find a way to make you feel better. When you fall down, he should help you up. When you
need comfort, he should show compassion. No matter what the circumstance is, your brother should
be there for you. That's Brotherhood
I know that this is a old post, however, since my department suffered a great loss in December with the loss of 2 members, It got me thinking about this topic and what it really means. Brotherhood, to me, was seeing all of those Firemen jump into that pile of rubble to find victims. Brotherhood, to me, was seeing the extent of their injuries and their total disregard of their pain till everyone was found. Brotherhood, to me, was hearing from members at the scene that said EMS personnel trying to help with injuries were told, "I'm fine. Help this other guy". People who clearly needed treatment refusing to get help until others were seen. Brotherhood, to me, was showing up to the wakes and seeing a sea of blue ready to pay their respects. Brotherhood, to me, was looking around at the funerals trying to find a state that did not have any representation their to pay their respects. Finally, one last thought. Brotherhood,to me, was knowing all members had plans,trips and other things to do during this holiday season, however, people made sacrifices, changes, or even canceled plans to be in Chicago to pay their respects. That to me is what comes to mind when you say "Brotherhood". That to me is why I am proud to be a member of the Chicago Fire Department and proud how we gathered in numbers to give as much support to the families as possible.

P basic

I mean... THE brother and sister HOOD

mia famiglia

Never crossed my mind. I consider us all part of the Brotherhood!!!!

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