I was curious as to what other depts. allow regarding blue (or red is some states) lights. I am at 2 depts. and the smaller one lets me use blue lights and the larger one doesn't. What is you departments policy? Do you think it is a good idea for jrs to run lights?

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when we had jr's, they were allowed to participate in drills, fire co activities, and other functions. we were not allowed to respond to calls unless it was drill night. i would vote on no for the blue light question. to put it simply, it is a big liability risk. happy holidays to all from sandland.
See this blog for the appropriateness of running warning lights of any color on POVs.
i think every area of the country has different views and thoughts on everything to do with firefighting in general. that being said i think you should make the choice with what your Chief says and what your SOPs say. Some area dont let the engine leave the station till you have it fully staffed, some just have the driver, and we can fight what is right and wrong all day, most importnatly is what works in your area. blue lights in the northeast are a courtesy light if im not mistaken. if that is true then i dont understand why you would have them, but thats just me....hope everyone had a good holidays and stay safe. we have been just a little too slow, so im praying that it just stays that way..
no jr should have blue light
When we were first brought on we were told we couldn't run our green lights for our first six months.... and even then when we got them, the restricitons and guidlines are pretty strong. We dont have a Junior program here, so I can only speak for what they did as were were in our probationary stage...
Dude, this has been discussed before. here's the link http://www.firefighternation.com/xn/detail/889755:Topic:4120909
yes you shouled be allowed to run red and white light.
This topic never gets old.
i was just passing by and had to post this...in the mid 1970's when i was a vollie in NY ( nassau Co) i remember seeing a guy that was a volunteer FF and member of a Vol Amb Corps--(no S&$@) this guy had a twin sonic (4 bulbs) that was set up with blue and green on each side...he had a switch that he could use to shut off either the blue if it was a VAC run or the green if it was a fd run. he demonstrated it for me and i thought it was cool but over the top
I respect all the opions of my fellow firefighters but i strongly believe that juniors and blue lights isn't our issue. I find this topic to be a department/state law issue. Honestly this topic does get old. The same people reply to the same discussions. This means people cant agree on what happens with lights. Leave it to your chief to decide. I personally believe that we dont need to stick our noses up other peoples butts over lights on their POV.
Blue lights have there place in the volunteer fire service. Me personally, when the need arises, I would rather be the asshole, than the asshole with the blue light. My anger rests in those with a multitude of blue lights forward and rear facing. A limit must be placed on what is allowed on a vehicle. As for Juniors? I am shocked you would humor this question on a public forum! As said in other replies, we can barely trust some grown adults with a blue light, and you want to place trust in misguided juniors?
what possible benefit is there for anyone in a personal vehicle to run code? the risk verses benefit, plus associated insurance costs with the increased risk of folks being involved in a motor vehicle accident take a way any conceived benefit for one to have lights and sirens on their personal vehicle. But then again, I am kind of a selfish stay-alive safety nut and don't understand the whole explorer, junior, volunteer responding to a call. It dangerous enough to have a first alarm assignment on the road, but to have a bunch of private vehicles rolling code as well? This does not make one bit of sense to me. Please, someone enlighten someone from the left coast. Gracias' CBz


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