Does your fire department have an established awards program? Wether it's for individual achievements or annual awards, I'm interested in knowing. Has it been attempted and eventually failed? Would you consider it a motivational tool or a morale booster?

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We just do the fireman of the year award at our annual christmas banquet

we hand out awards at our annual spouces apprecietion night. we hand out awards for most calls, most training hours, most work hours, employee of the year, and years in awards for 5,10,20, and up for years of service. We also hand out a  couple of memorial awards for department members and community members. We have been doing for 20+ years, so I could say that it has staying power.



Our department has an annual one along with a formal ball. We vote on about five awards-lifetime, pm, driver, officer, emt. Which is nice plaque or statue. Of course the PROBLEM-VOTING. Of about 500 pesonnel a group of about 60-70 decide to vote in someone. This individual is thought of as a joke by this group and not highly by others. Completely defeating the purpose of the award.
We give out service awards at our Christmas dinner. There are different items given for 5, 10,1 5, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service. We have also given some special awards like oldest active member.
We do have a program that has recently been reestablished in the last few years. There were issues with the old way of doing things and now things have seemed to have gotten better.

In the past if a FF did something worth of recognition and an award was given, everyone on the crew received it. It was like a team type of concept, problem was that the award lost meaning and so did the deed in many cases. After all if one person on the crew was the one who put forth the risk, it isn't really right for the guy sitting on the pump panel to get the same recognition.

After several years there were no awards really given out. There were a few calls several years ago that did push the issue forward again and awards were given out. Now the process for a nomination goes from the person nominating to an awards board, comprised of members from several ranks. The criteria for each award is described and the board reviews the nomination, the events, the actions taken and so forth. From there the recommendation for an award is given and the recipent receives the award in the future....typically at a city council meeting.

We have a few awards for firefighters as well as people in the community are also recognized for deeds.
Firefighter awards are Medal of Honor, Medal of Valor, Distinguished Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, and Years of Service pin (for every 5 years).

The awards to me are more of a morale booster and should be viewed as such. It shows the FF that their deeds are recognized and you are commended for those actions. Whereas if used as a motivational tool, you may tend to see more risks taken for someone wanting fruit salad on their uniform.
John, We do, it was developed by the union and negotiated with the city. To their credit they got on board and have been very good about funding it and sponsoring the ceremony. It has been good for the departments morale, before this there was no established recognition of acts of bravery or extra effort on or off the fire ground. A lot of what we have was taken from my brothers department, Austin Fire Department, Texas. Good luck with your effort, it will make your department better for the firefighters.
Our annual dinner they give out service awards, and perfect attendance awards for fire and EMS training, and usually show a slide show of things we have done the previous year.

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