Hey all...Just thought I would shout and see if anyone is really out there.....The "discussions" here lately are about as interesting and stimulating as a colonoscopy.....There must be someone out there with something useful to discuss.....PLEASE.....!!!!    LOL

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usefull? no.. but just as boring, just returned from a mva, pager goes off at 5am! im up, dressed, out the door and off to the station..gear up and we are off like a bullet. ok we arrive, a honda all bashed up,spun around,and in a ditch. no driver, nobody.. bust out the lights and start area search...nadda!.throw hands in air, get clip bord, write up info and look at pd as to what next...geet released and now i cant go back to sleep!!!!!

"Bust out the lights".... that seems a little extreme though I have "keyed" a car or 3 with a Halligan....
i meant our spot lights, lol
Hey Paul.
I agree with your thoughts. But maybe it's a little bit our fault. This site has been around for a while now, and there have been a lot of discussions about a lot of topics. Could it be possible that people are now afraid of posting something they want to discuss because it has "already been discussed" before? And that when someone brings up a topic, they are immediately directed to the search bar?
That's the conclusion I have come up with. With a close second being that the "intellectuals" have become tired of the mindless menial rantings of texters and color-happy up-and-comers.
Maybe you are right.....I guess it is time to go elsewhere....shame though, have had some fun with the people here.....might just make it a hit or miss thing....surprised this hasn't been deleted for some reason or another.....LOL Stay safe, always remember to keep the faith.............Later........Paul
here's one.... out of the 6 seasons of rescue me has anyone seen them put out a fire? don't get me wrong the show is awesome, but i have not once seen them put out a fire like the guys did on the old classic show emergency? just curious.
Yes it IS a shame, and I must admit that I have enjoyed reading your "fun" with others in here.
I was thinking that maybe if I take a break for a while and maybe come back. it might change a little, or at least have some new reading material.
Maybe your aggressive use of periods could be cause for deletion.
Maybe see ya around on the search for "elsewhere".
Keep Safe and Have Fun.
yah, the show has nothing to do with actually fighting fires, but you have to remember, they're a truck company, not an engine, they don't put fires out, they "rescue" folks.
And plus the show is called "rescue me",.. not " put me out".

I too love the period... because in this setting it is a cute way of reflecting a pause in my thought... stimulating those who read to slow down and contemplate each phrase of my wisdom... hee hee

and enjoy Paul aggressive use of said period... I think he uses it to reflect EVERYTHING he says is the final word ................................................................ LOL
well i have not been around the site for a long time - BUT the endless fighting gets a bit much after 200 pages.

and Paul - YOU should start some interesting topics - I will come in and add my 2 cents - something you zoomed by a while back which excited me were your stats - bring those back and I will add some thoughts (my mama use to say if you are bored it must be because you are not being creative enough in entertaining yourself ;-)

so - mister arson investigator - give us some of our wisdom or pose some questions

and who cares if 1 out of 5 posts gets deleted - you still are ahead of the curve

and I can't figure out what to do about those that are color happy texting intellectuals...

just for your Derek - ROTFLMAO

Post video footage if you have it PPLLLLLEEEEEZZZEEEE... that would be interesting to me :-)

i do however agree that a thread discussing how's, why's and what happened regarding fire investigation would be rather interesting. I don't recall that being done yet.

Oh and just to "correctify"....It was texters and color-happy up-and-comers, not color happy texting intellectuals. Because in no way do I want to associate the thought provoking, edgimicated with the speed fingered marathon texters. Although, could be possible that in the near future to have to take a texting course in school to be able to cope with society's need for speed.

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