I have been with the volunteer fire dept. in Bay City Oregon for about a year and i am pursuing a paramedic certification. I want to become a career firefighter so i was wondering if anyone out there had any advice for my journey?

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Paramedic is a great start but I also know that alot of departments give points for degree and military background. Other than that test,test,test. Everywhere that is establishing a list test. That will give you the testing experience and you will probably notice you'll do better every time you do. I know there are several departments that will give you favoritism if you have already been through the state fire academy. Don't give up and good luck.
Levi, pursuing your Paramedic is a good thing. Being a volunteer is as well. Taking night classes at your local community college and get after your Fire Science degree would help you quite a bit. Tillamook has a paid Department dosnt it? Once you have your Paramedic which is a four year degree and you have some of your fire science out of the way you should be able to start putting out the feelers to get a paid position. You may start out as Paramedic and come in that way too. Good Luck Bro.
Also in Ohio they really like to see folks that are inspectors too. Not sure how inspections are done in Oregon, but if that is a certification, when you have time, go for it. Also if you have not done so already make sure you have the ICS stuff covered. If you can get it done go all the way and get the 300 & 400 done. If nothing else it looks good on a resume.
Thank you, you have given me the most honest answer ive heard so far. I truely appreciate it.
Hey Levi,
Sounds like you're on the right track. Volunteer, thinking of Paramedic school etc. The other folks here had good thoughts as well, but I wanted to touch on a quick topic. Why are you seeking a Paramedic license? If it is just to get hired with the Fire Department, keep in mind they'll expect you to be a paramedic after you get the job. I work with quite a few paramedics who got the license to get the job but never really wanted to do advanced patient care. Now all they do is look for a way to ditch their licenses and keep their jobs. And complain a lot.

Just make sure that you're not getting the license just to get the job.
Other than that, I can't think of anything else that hasn't been mentioned.
Oh, except in the interview, when asked why you want to do this job, be honest. Don't say "I want to give back to my community."

Good luck!
Thank you as well. I am getting the paramedic out of the way then pursuing the fire science degree. Tillamook has a combination department only four paid positions. Im willing to move anywhere on the west coast to get a job after im done with my schooling. thank you again.
Well actually i want the paramedic license because i want to have the maximum ability to help patients, its not just for the job. I am wanting to work as a paramedic while pursuing my fire science degree for more experience as well.

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