We have recieved a grant to purchase air packs and I was wanting to get some info on what types everyone is wearing and the pro's and con's that go with them. We currently have the MSA FireHawks on our trucks and the Survivair Panthers on our hazmat unit. As you can imagine the sales people know about the grant and we are being hammered. We had a rep from Interspiro come by and left us a couple of there Spiromatic-S4 packs to try, they seem to be a pretty good outfit but never seen the firefighter airpacks , just know about them from diving.

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We switched to Interspiro in Philly for a few years after having used Scott for as long as I can remember. (We've since gone back to Scott). I had no problem with the Interspiro Paks - very light and, as far as I could tell, durable. They did have an almost flimsy look and feel to them, but I was assigned to a very busy engine company in West Philadelphia at the time (not unusual to be taking up from one job and then being dispatched to another) and never had a Pak fail me. In short, they got a lot of use and took a beating. I don't know why we went back to Scott - which is also excellent. Maybe it was money.
We use Scott. They don't give us any trouble and I have never had a problem with them. They are pretty durable.
SCOTT is the only way to go.
The packs we use are the ISI Viking packs. They are a good pack but I cut my teeth with Scott. I still prefer Scott. I recomend the Scott packs.
We use Scott and i cant recall any problems or issues with them. Overall theyre great packs and i have no complaints.
Scott, MSA, Surviveair they are all good reliable companies. What ever works for you is my answer to your question
MSA & Survivair have the regulator that is separate from the face piece totally, which makes it more hygienic if your department doesn't assign one SCBA to each member. I have always found that the MSA is the most comfortable to wear. My jaw gets sore from the Survivair facepiece.

Scott sets are also comfortable, but the regulator is not protected between users like the MSA or Survivair.

Drager, I found the face pieces to be small and uncomfortable.
I recommend Scott as well. If you do choose Scott, I'd suggest the Airpack 50 over the NXG2 System.
We have thw MSA's on our dept. And I love them!

Be trainable and Stay Safe out there,
We've got really accustomed to the MSA packs . Everyone knows how to don the MSA and that's what will be a big issue. We have men that can be fully turned out and on air in less than a minute, and really don't want to mess that up. I know it would be one of them change things and we all know that we don't like change. Truth be known we will probably stay with the MSA packs. I was just asking for some pro's and con's of other units to show the men what other depts outside our area are using and thier likes and dis-likes . We or I should say some of us really do like the the features of the Interspiro though and I was actually wanting to get some info on them. They are a pretty costly pack if you get all the bells and whistles, and thats what we are going to get (all the bells and whistles) .
Thanks for the replys
We still have the old SCOTT packs, We are getting new packs next year to meet with the new NYS protocol. We have tested the ISI packs and I really like them way better then the old SCOTT. We are looking at MSA now, Wont be for a few months before we pick the one we are gonna go with. But SCOTT, MSA, ISI seam to be what everyone around here is going with,.
Our department has always used Scott and we don't seem to have any problems with them.

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