I was just wondering how many states besides Indiana have advanced EMT's. As a Advanced EMT u can start IV's run fluids and cardiac monatering..... i was just wondering...

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Ohio NREMT-I 1995 standard (yes even in 2009 we are held to the 1995 standard)
IV, monitor, and assorted medications by IV. No "cardiac drugs" but you can give MS IV for Chest Pain. Kind of screwed up how the Intermediate is varried from state to state.
What is an MIC Paramedic? I have never heard of that before... I am normally just hearing of EMT-B, EMT-I and EMT-P and normally if we have an Ambulance call it is who ever is available. We have a calander and people sign their names on the day they can run and it rotates out you sign your name on how ever many days you can Run and if you get paged out you go. We don't do it like you do where we have Two Paramedics go on the Run. Just who ever is available to responde.
Can someone tell me what MIC Paramedics are and what MICA's are...
In New York State we have EMT-B (Basic), EMT- Intermediate, EMT-Critical Care, and EMT-Paramedic. EMT-I can Start IV's, run fluids, Intubate (ET, Combi Tube), EMT-Critical Care can do all of the EMT-I Skills + Cardiac Monitor and push medications (many on standing order). In the upstate NY region (clinton county) there is not an abundance of paramedics (maybe 3-4).
Our ambulance service is separate from the fire service. They are rostered as crews of two and that's how they respond. We don't have volunteer Emergency Ambulance crews.

I can't say what our Paramedics are able to do, I've never discussed it with any of them! But it's a three year full-time University degree, plus clinical work with a qualified crew. There is a Victorian Paramedic who is a member of FFN, he could explain exactly but I have'nt seen anything of him here for a while.

Sorry about the abbreviation - by 'MIC' I meant Mobile Intensive Care (with Ambulance where I wrote MICA). All of our emergency ambulance people are Paramedic qualified, some take on the extra study and training to become MICA Paramedics.

A bit clearer I hope?
I answered your question above...
Thats not telling me what it is I didn't get it anyway SORRY
Kansas has First Responder, EMT-B, EMT-I, and EMT-P. Kansas does not recognize the National Registry EMT-I, so our (EMT-I) scope of practice isn't as large as NR.
OK Cody, sorry, I thought I was clear.

We have two sorts of emergency care ambulances. The standard one, which is responded to any emregency call, is staffed with two Paramedics. The other sort is a Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA), which is responded to things like suspected coronary cases. These second ones are staffed with two Mobile Intensive Care Paramedics - paramedics who have undertaken higher study and training.

We don't use the term Emergency Medical Tachnician.

I hope that is clearer.
In indiana Advanced EMTs are trained in the use of automatic and manual defibrillators, CPR, oxygen administration, bandaging, splinting, emergency childbirth, nonvisualized airways, the administration of nitroglycerin, epinephrine with an Epi-Pen, aspirin, activated charcoal, intravenous access (IV), and cardiac monitoring. Most of that is done on the Basic level and then the Nitro, Epi, Aspirin, IV, and Cardiac monitoring are added to make you an Advanced. Some areas of Indiana can do a few other things beyond the basic level not listed here based on the Medical Directors protocols. Hope this helps clear up what an Indiana Advanced EMT is and does. Indiana goes FR, EMT-B, A-EMT, EMT-I, and then EMT-P.
Texas has EMTs, EMT Intermediates, Paramedics. We used to have EMT Special Skill. Those guys got to intubate and start IVs. But I believe you had to live in a geographical locations where ALS/MICU back-up was a long way off to be elegible for that cert.
Not trying to start an argument, but the Arkansas Dept Of Health does still recognize the Intermediates. They also still give the course and exams. If in doubt see their website. They are similar to the intermediates mentioned above. Start IVs, give fluids, etc. No intubation, cardiac drugs, etc.

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