Does your department require you to complete Emergency Vehicle Operations Course in order to start driving? I have been hearing as of late that not every department does. What are your thoughts about this and how do you feel about the EVOC course? What needs to be improved with it, where does it stive?

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To drive our rescue, which is a suburban, you have to have your ambulance drivers cert.

To drive our engines, you have to have your class B permit and go thru an evoc type class put on by our deputy chief. It's not the best system, but it works.
I agree with everyones piont My department does not say you have to have evoc that i know of we do however have to be cleared by the chief so many driving hours and pump training is required a great way to train on small rescue trucks and brush trucks is parades after they have been around the block let the guys drive to parades (doesnt mean that drive in the parade) its a great way to get those training hours up and when it comes to the larger engines and tankers dont be afraid to say im not comfortable we wont laugh at you ok well maybe we will but atleast you wont take out the side of the building trying to do it

Happy Holidays Everyone be Safe
Our SOP requires taking a State of Michigan EVDC (I'm sure similar to the EVOC) course) in order to operate apparatus. The only exception (to my knowledge and understanding) is the fire chief can waive the class for an individual FF if he or she has a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) with a minimum of the Class A B or C equal too or greater than the apparatus the FF will be driving. I have driven Motorcoaches (commercial for hire charter buses) for 18 yrs. (Class B CDL with air brakes and passenger endorsement). Our chief was willing to wiave the class when I was hired, however I took the class anyway. (actually took the original as well as a recent updated version)
A department close to us (approx 1 hour away) had an incident involving an engine enroute to a scene. Unfortunately the operator was involved in an at fault accident while operating the apparatus and was found guilty. I don't remember the exact circumstances however, it seems from my experiences, regardless of the actual at fault, the operator of the emergency vehicle is presumed at fault. This seemingly is the consensus of the general public. It's better to have all the education and experience you can have when you sit behind the wheel and roll out of the station. If you are not safe and don't arrive at all, you don't help anyone.
we dont have it mandatory in our dept. but my dad the old chief is a cdl instructor which he teaches us pretty damn good... and if u do not make sure the person that drives those trucks can do everything before they drive them to calls then there is something wrong there.....
in the state/ common weAlth of virgina it is illegal to operate a fire truck , ambulance,in emergency traffic without first becomminG EVOC certified. and in va there are different levels of certificate. such as police vehicles, embulances or level 3 wich is fire trusck heck everything. i think i quoted it all correct.

We require EVOC certification and our department requires 10 hours of driving with experienced member learning the area and the vehicles before released to drive on your own. We are a volunteer rescue squad. Insurance requires everyone to have 5 years driving experience and EVOC.
Here the state of Tennessee you have to take a class ever year.
I have taken EVOC & I learned that if you are driving an apparatus to a prade or just taking the trucks out for a run you are you have a CDL! Now i'm unsure if that is just in PA or if that is nation wide.

However the last deparment i belonged to didn't mind if you took EVOC or not the only thing that mattered is if the Chief liked you or not. The new deparment I belong to inforces that you have EVOC you take the truck out with an appointed driver then a white hat takes you out, if you pass with both they you're okayed to drive that appartus.

And Edward below me there does have point you can't really put someone who has been driving toyotas all their lives & put them in something bigger such as a ladder or even a tanker and tell them to becareful!
My station has nine trucks in our fleet one of them being our tanker is an eight speed and there are only four people out of 45 on our roster that our able to drive being that it is an eight speed is one of them but also the water in the tank without the baffles may cause some problems taking a bend at a high rate of speed! Case in point get the people some run time on each truck teach them the dos and donts which EVOC doesnt really go into detail with different apparatus, or atleast not in my class.

In conclusion I believe if anyone no matter the background of the individual, sex, race, or orgian I do believe that EVOC is taking steps in the right direction to make our emergency responders safer for us as public saftey and for the public as well!
In order to drive an ambulance in the State of Alabama you must have taken an approved EVOC course, and received a Driver endorsement on your EMS License. As for my department's policy regarding our rescue trucks which are not ambulances, our policy is if you want to drive the vehicle Emergency Response, you WILL have EVOC. No member is really allowed to drive even Code 1 without EVOC unless under the direct supervision of an officer.
We require the completion of the National Safety Council's CEVO-A (Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator - Ambulance) course prior to anyone beginning over-the-road driver training in an ambulance.
We require all of our apparatus operations to complete our state fire academy's Emergency Vehicle Driver Training Program (40 hours) prior to driving any fire apparatus on a response.
We have to go Through an EVOC and then have a Refresher Course Every Year...
Although Our EVOC only covers driving we go through a Pumper Operations Course as well and have to keep that up to date..

EVOC a great Idea

Sgt King

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