Once again we've had some issues with completely non fire/EMS people here..

I'm seriously considering limiting profiles to only those with a Fire/EMS background or CLEARLY looking to get into the field and their family only ... no more people trolling for dates constantly, coming here to hock their products, etc...


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I agree with Derek and my wife on this Web.
Show me a case!! Give me the code or law. "in a way" is not a legal term and has no merit.
Discrimination wouldn't apply to this. It could be labeled an exclusive website for firefighters by firefighters. Would you want someone who took CPR/AED training to take the ball and run with it at a medical call or the EMT who is there? The EMT? Heaven forbid, thats discrimination!!!
Club Discrimination programs=

"Programs that provide assistance for people who believe that they have been denied an opportunity to join the service group, club, fraternal organization or other association of their choice based on their age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status." FT-1800.1500

This doesn't mention being denied access because you are attempting to become a social butterfly. Clubs are created (as in this website) as a gathering place for a common bond between the members. It is NOT discrimination to deny access to those who don't share the common bond. With WebChief being the creater, and moderator of this site, he can most definately (within the arms and lines of the law) set the precident for who he feels should have access to the site.

I am quite surprised with you being a paralegal you don't know this already. I think your repeated smartass demeaner you are portraying is null and void because you have 0 evidence to support your claim and I have the law book to support it. Civil organizations can limit membership to who they please. They again only can be sued for denying based on age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status, NONE of which WebChief is doing.

Your Husband being a former Paramedic would qualify him to be on the site, where is your arguement coming from? Why would you create a name for your husband only to use the name yourself? Are you worried that you will be removed?
I understand your intent Web, but I'll add my thoughts.

It appears you are talking about moderating. I have been a member of several groups similar to this one which were moderated, some to the point of outright censorship, (key phrase "have been a member"). What is appropriate subject matter is up to interpretation depending on who is moderating. "Product hocker's" would probably be fairly straight forward.

Question 1. How would the criteria be set up to decide who to accept into our group?

I know, there are the very obvious ones on here who clearly not in the business and probably have even been rejected by e-harmony. But there are some on here who ARE in the business, and who are here because they too have been rejected. But lets admit it, there are many horndogs/dogettes, in public safety services all across the country. But ok, they're out.

Now comes question 2. Who is to decide what is a relevant subject?

As I eluded to above, there is a fine line between moderation and censorship. You Web, probably do not have the time to check ALL post and replies for type and content, which means you would have to bring in others to assist you. Again, your opinion of what is appropriate and mine might be different. The problem would become one of personality. As has happened in other groups, a personality conflict emerges between a moderator and another member who posts or replies to a subject which clashes with the moderators point of view. It gets to a point where eventually the moderator denies that members post on any subject. But ok, they don't agree with my view, they're out too.

I'm sorry I can't offer a solution. I will just keep on doing as I do now. I ignore the advice to the love-lorn and the product hawkers, choose the topics I want to read and reply to, and understand that the name of this group is Firefighter Nation. com The Social Network JUST for Firefighters, EMS & Rescue. But then again Web, "this is your Bar B Q, and it tastes good", you have to do what you think you need to do.
Thank you Engine, you put into lots of words what my few words were trying to say!!
Hi Engine,

Just for starters, my husband created this damn account w/ FFN not me. When he is not home, I jump on here under his name and chat with our friends, add photos or write some blogs.

Second, I talked to my boss and showed him this website and he said that there is grounds for what is called indirect discrimination. If anyone wanted to sue Web under indirect discrimination...it would be for "Prejudice Discrimination", referred to making a judgment about a person before receiving information relevant to the particular issue on which a judgment was being made...""any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence".
Indirect Discrimination=

This occurs where the effect of certain requirements, conditions or practices imposed by an employer has an adverse impact disproportionally on one group or other.

Keyword, EMPLOYER.

Heres a key phrase right from the law book which you can ask your boss about and also should end this. It refers to only employers, which is NOT what webchief is.

With Indirect Discrimination an employer can argue that there may be discrimination, but that it is actually required for the job, (this is known as a "geniune occupational requirement" (GOR)).

Shall we keep going? Should volunteers be allowed to join the IAFF because denying them would be discrimination? Should men be allowed to compete in Miss America Pageants? there are degrees where common sense prevails.
Just curious, who is your boss, and if he/she is a lawyer, is this the type of law they practice? Please give name of law firm for future reference of avoidance.
Sakellarios Jean-Claude & Associates -Manchester, NH
hey jim watch how you talk about the FOOLS (faternal order of leather society) those that wear leather helments. hope you get the intent of this. hahahahaha. i do love this site and i do see a lot of eharmony going on but there is a lot of great stuff here. vententersearch.com has a lot of good stuff also but not quite the banter you have here. check out the post about ppv or the roof, it got a little personnal but has brought out a lot of great training and social graces. just fun about the fools.
yea oldman you are right, selective input and that is what they are pissed off about that we don't want to hear what thy are saying. as for rights. go look it up on the net and check out 1942 when the only thing wrong a group of usa citizens did wrong was to have their parents born in japan and there were no rights. interned to camps no questions asked. we the people of the usa need to quit being the nation of the offended and take responsablity for what we do. just because we are born poor don't give us a right to be rich. we have the right for the pursuit of happeniess not to be happy. i belive that most will not be happy that they will die but die you will and who will you sue for that. i belive that if web chief started this and he runs this he should be the one to say how it works. if you don't like it start your own. web chief it is SOCIAL network. maybe a change is in order. see vententersearch.com where some have been denied comment and entry. great site and i am sure a lot of work. THANKS


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