Does anyone watch this tv series on FX? And what do you all think of it?
I know i cant get enought!!! lol

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I'm addicted, but I agree with the first post. I enjoy it because of the characters. They could be from any profession and I'd still watch.
does anyone know when season 3 is gonna be out on dvd ? normally it comes out the day the new season starts, but I haven't even seen any commercials for it yet.

I love Rescue Me, although I think Leary's daughter needs a foot in her ass big time
What has happened on the show in the past 3 weeks since tonight 9/19. Ive been in college whenever its on so ive been missing the past 3-4 episodes... can anyone catch me up on it THANKS GUYS!
wait the kid dies? WHAT KID JOHNNYS BABY??? IM SOOO LOST!!!
in true rescue me fashion, the totally unexpected has happened. Colleen's boyfriend got engaged to some other girl, which of course colleen blamed on tommy. Colleen then went to tommy's station to tell him that she totally hated him. Black Sean was there to take the message, and in the season finale, you see Black Sean in the park setting up a picnic, and who should show up? Colleen of course. That should make for some interesting fights next season. Also in the finale, Tommy's dad died. Not sure of what, I'm guessing old age, or maybe being away from the drink for a few days.
I personally cannot stand it. I only watched a few episodes of the first season and it seemed to be more about his divorce and personal life than about FF. It may have changed now but I just don't like it. Also, in the beginning a lot of things weren't accurate. and that is just frustrating when you know what they're supposed to be doing and you end up screaming at the TV because they aren't doing something right.
no it's not accurate, at all. But the story is cool.
Oh my GOD!!! Black Sean and Colleen! Thats insane!!! I really was not expecting that. Do you know when the next season is gonna start?
search yahoo for rescue me...i have pictures posted there, they shot the second season at my firehouse in ny
I love the show because it is awesome but also because of the work they do. The denislearyfirefighter foundation built 11 fire houses for the firefighters who lost theirs der to Katrina. They have built burn houses for New York and purchased boats for another department. Any help for any station is enough to make the show and Denis awesome!
WHAT! how was it not obvious!? lol
I'm in the same boat, when it comes on back to back I usually watch both shows. I think there are alot of people out there that can identify with something or someone on the show. I know I sure would like to have half the ladies that tommy gets LOL

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