Does anyone watch this tv series on FX? And what do you all think of it?
I know i cant get enought!!! lol

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I love the show. I started watching it way back in season one. I own the first 3 seasons on DVD and cant wait for the fourth. I can place some of the firefighters I know in the characters that are on the series. I cant wait for the next season to start!
I LOVE IT! I have watched it since the beginning of season one and own the first 3 seasons on DVD. I can even place some of the firefighters I know in the characters places on the show. I cant wait for season 4 on DVD and for season 5 to start!
Im right there with you, i own seasons 1-3 on DVD and cannot wait for season 5. ive been hunting around trying to see when its supposed to start but cant find anything.
Personally I love the show. Havent ever gotten so into it I cant miss an episode, but some of the guys I aork with dont so I keep up.

The funny thing is all the b*tching about it not being realistic...come on there ara 40 cop shows on a you really know a single cop who has fired his weapon in anger that many times???

It's a TV show, it's a DRAMA, thats what they do dramatize what WE do. If they did a show about real stations, how many episodes would be a bunch of guys sitting around playing graba*s??? Really.

Enjoy it for what it isa show about Brothers...and what Leary does with his foundation is exceptional, that alone deserves our respect.
i like it to
It's a great show. Lemme tell ya - I'm from Jersey, then I moved to NC, & I spent a lot of time in FDNY houses before I moved down here. Some say it portrays firemen in a bad light or it's not realistic. Got news for ya pal - it's accurate as hell. Firemen are just like everyone else. We all have our problems, troubles & deamons to deal with. We get up each day with backaches & bills to pay. We all have moments of weakness. The show is pretty damn close to the mark. Sure - some of it's Hollywood glitz. But, for the most part - it's pretty damn accurate. I for one love it for that reason, it shows that we're human and occasionally we manage extraordinary dispalys of courage, valor & strength.
I love that show, i can't waite for the next season to start !!!!!!!!!!!
Who doesn't love to watch a human interest story, with a whole load of drama built's entertainment, and it offers just that....entertaaaaainment.......

Do you REALLY care if it's factual or portrays firefighters in a bad light? You'll still watch it right?
LOVE the show...I've watched it from the first episode right on down the line (thank you Tivo)--
Dennis Leary is the want to hate him, but can't quite muster up the will.
:) It's intriguing, combative, controversial, and a whole lotta fun......

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