I use the new defender goggles and love them. They are out of the way but when needed they are there. They also dont get broke all the time like my shield did. They give the helmet the clean look but also give the eye protection that we want. They also shouldnt melt inside your helmet. Be safe
My helmet came with the shield. After so many years and so many fires, they've gotten scratched and yellowed. About three years ago I replaced the shield with goggles. Now my eyes are better protected, and they fit over my glasses so they can be used at extrications as well.
I have the high temp Bourkes on my N6A Sam Houston. I absolutely hate a faceshield. They are bulky and throw the balance of the helmet off. I use ESS goggles as primary eye protection, or my SCBA face piece with the Bourkes down to add a little more protection for the face piece. I know someone who claims the face shield protects against burns; even though the manufacturer has provided in writing a statement to the opposite effect.
after we had an incident where a k12 operator had to pick about 30 splinters out of his face, we require shields, you may wear goggles in addition to this, but the shield is a must.