I have a question. I have heard different people talking about 911 and wether it should be considered a National Holiday or not. I feel it should be and I'll tell you why. 20 yr's from now when kids are in school and they get the day off and ask why are we getting Sept. 11 off there parents can tell them, that's the day America came under attack and we lost alot of BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN that day. Plus I fell we as Americans forget to easy about what happens. I think we need to be reminded from time to time how good we have here. Ask some one on the street what happened on 09/11/01 and watch the replys you get. So if we make it a holiday then people will always remember. Just my thought.

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I think that also 9/11 should be National Holiday my self. I now when i git up in the Morrowing im going to the fire house & puting are flage at 1/2 masket how menny ather Fire Co. will do that also.
i feel it should be more of a national remembrance day. i think holiday doesn't realy sound right with 9/11. but a day were people get off work/school and remmeber all those of fought to save others on that day.
343*never forget
I have to agree here. Our President has called 9/11 Patriots Day for several years now. Corporate America may or may not ever recognize it, but how may Emergency Services providers get holidays off anyway?? I know that Emergencies don't stop happening because it is a holiday. Our President has recognized it, and it has been a time of reflection and personal meditation for me since that day.

Every year on 9/11 the flag at my firehouse flies at half staff. I take the time for personal meditation and thank God for the gifts that have bestowed upon me due largely to the sacrifices of other people. Our Military, Our Emergency Services, Our Government, Our Friends and Our Families. They have all contributed to the freedoms that We enjoy in our lives. I take the time to thank God for the time that I have on this earth and for giving me the strength to continue doing the job that I have grown to love.

For me, if it is officially recognized, Great! If not, that day will sit heavy in my heart for the rest of my life. I will take the time to teach my children what it means to sacrifice, and what it means to give everything that you are to a worthy cause, regardless of whether or not Patriots Day is officially recognized. Volunteer, Career, Auxiliary, doesn't matter to me. What is important is that we are all here to do a job and to do it with all that we are. To sometimes sacrifice what is important to ourselves for the common good. This is true volunteerism.
I think it should be a day of remembrance, holiday just does not seem right holidays are something you celebrate and this should be a day for the country to mourn. But i would be for a national day of mourning.
First off Spanner 122 your response is not taken the wrong way, thats why I started this post to get peoples input. But I think alittle American history is in order. First off we have a day on the calendar for Peral Harbour--- It's Dec. 7th. It may not be a day off from work or a holiday, but it's still a reminder to everyone young and old about what happened that day on American Soil. Second Hiroshima is a result of Peral Harbour. We didn't just wake up one morning and decide to fly over to Japan and drop a bomb on them people. I just think we need to have that date stand out on a calendar like every other date in history. I know when I see Dec 7th and Veterans day on the calendar I stop for a minute and remember our fallen Veterans. So when people see Sept. 11 they will hopefully feel the same way and stop for just a minute to remember our Fallen HEROS.
I feel that the making 9/11 a holiday is feeding pride to the assholes who did this to our country. If the day was made to "Emergency Personnel Day" or something, maybe it would be alright. Again for every tragedy on our soil, we don't have national holidays for them. Plus I feel that the way to remember the 343 is to show up to work and get on the truck and do what we do just like they did. Having memorial services are great, and I applaud the people who do. Lord knows that our commission doesn't support that. We have local boy/ girl scouts that put it on. But in the end it's up to us to never let the memory die for the future. If kids ( your own, or someone else's ) ask you about that dreadful day, you should be able to take the time to sit down with them and explain that into detail. I hope I haven't stepped on somebody's toes. But to all who do the job, you deserve a "Thank You" for no reason except for what you do on a daily basis. So to all of you who do your job and do it so well " THANK YOU".

God Bless
F.F. Justin Hill
McAllen, TX
I have only one fear if it is made a National Holiday......It becomes another excuse for people to have a BBQ and forget what the true meaning of the day is. It seems to be the all too popular trend.
(Does anyone else have the problem of IE failing to respond while accessing this site? I'm having to completely redo the post I was working on and seconds away from posting.)

That's what it's going to turn into. Too many people are forgetting what 9/11 is to the fire service and to this country. We on this board and the countless others who were affected directly will never forget. Although as example, my daughter's class was asked the other day if they knew what event was coming up? There were replies of Halloween and Thanksgiving!?

I was hard pressed to find one memorial last year on the west coast. This year I am honored to be able to attend one of many that are going on in NYC.

IMHO I think it needs to be a national holiday. This will allow people to reflect in what way they want or need to. This was an event that temporarily crippled America. We need to reflect on that. Not by just going about our business to show that we weren't affected. We were affected!

We need to honor those who perished and those who continue. It should be a holiday.

My $.02

I have 1 comment it is FDNY's & the state of NY Loss just like for me Worcester MA. Is a loss for Worcester & MA..they lost 6 and this shouldnt be a holaday.holadays make no sense a day of remembering is dif. we all have dif. ways to deal with it.the only way they forget is you/us not reminding them.God Speed
Hey i agree it does need to become a national holiday for that reason for us as brother and sisters to look back on that day and to never forget the one's who gave all to save others some being paid and some volunteering there own time it was a day we all becameTRUE American's American's As one a day were the flag flew high and never put down. A day that well never be forgoting!
I guess what I meant was I don't need the calendar to remind me. I think about it just about every single day. I shudder when a plane flies low overhead, I have shed a tear only a few times in the last few years and the times it wasn't for 9/11 are few and far between. We lost so much on that day, all of us, not just Americans. We lost some freedom, not just the lives of those who are departed, but our own lives will never be the same from that day forward. There is fear and anxiety perpetuated by media and alerts all around us from that day. That is why I choose to reflect quietly, without the fanfare, without the added anxiety of an anniversary attack, and without the thoughts of the Godless cowards who committed these autrocities. Just the thought of those brave souls for gave all. I think I almost feel a "holiday" would diminish the way we feel about the job, the pride, the anonymity of the uniform the desire to do our jobs, be our jobs, but in the end, go home each day. You know what I mean?
It's just my personal opinion on the matter. I agree that it should never be forgotten, but I don't know how it could be. Life changed on 9/11. Memories are still vivid and people are still suffering, to forget is to not have lived it.
Hawaii was a territory in WWII,It became a state on 21august 1959.

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