Ok....so....how many times do you walk in the firehouse and hear....TAZE HIS ASS.....coming from the day room? Well is my firehouse just the stupid or do other firefighter watch COPS during the shift? And do you get into it.....like yelling out RUN BOY RUN!!!!!!!! when the cop is chasing him. Just wondering.

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My Lt worked as a cop for awhile. Sure we watch it. But I remember watching some reality crap on tv (and it was a marathon too) because it was 1) sooo dumb it was funny 2) couldnt find the remote. How people get a show is unreal. Dont get me wrong, I watch tv but theres just such drivel on.

Networks are too cheap to pay the writers to form coherent, compelling stories. Im counting the days for when "Rescue Me" and "The Shield" come back. Kim Kardashian, while she is a dime piece, is a no talent bim and doesnt warrant a show. Nor does Brett. Or Flav. While someone said "Its better to have been a 'has-been' than a 'never-was'" there are some fates worse than death; i.e. Danny Bona-douche. Gentlemen, I call it to your attention that this group of B-listers (on their best day, b-listers) make TONS more cash doing nothing than we will make working our asses off.

There really isnt alot of compelling tv on in the late morn/early afternoon anyway. Our guys dig History Channel too but its pretty much Tivo'ed at my home. So "Cops" it is. At least theyre showing america that police dont beat every perp, everytime.

Hollywood, what else ya got??
I'm definitely with you on this one!
We love to watch COPS at the firehouse! What gets me is that these boneheads have to sign a release so that their faces won't be blurred out! Maybe it's just me, but if I was ever arrested in my underwear while being drunk & stupid on camera, I wouldn't sign squat! But that's me. Anyway, we can't wait for COPS to come to our town! Stay safe!
Maybe it's just me, but if I was ever arrested in my underwear while being drunk & stupid on camera, I wouldn't sign squat!
Hey! Don't knock what you haven't tried!!!!!!! Only joking..... :)
Training films folks, Training films!!

We all need to know what NOT to do, don't we?
You're right, maybe I should try it first before I pass judgement! LOL
I watch cops as well. In Superior when I was there, We were such a small town to where we had the police over just to visit and have coffee. It was like we were all one family without the us and them mentality. There were also at least one or two that pulled double duty as reserve ff's when not working for the local police. I also happen to be in security so cops is a reguslar staple for me.
I would rather get maced than defibrillated witn 50,000 volts of electric shock going through my midaxillary like the guy on yesterday's episode. A 300+ suspect neutered in two microseconds with one hit
I have to agree as well. Most of what I watch are videos at home and before anyone gets started, No not that kind of video just regular run of the mill movies. About the only thing I catch over the airwaves is the evening news and some sports. It will be interesting to see how much of the olympics they broadcast.
Thats my town completely. They come by now and then and sit and talk and sometimes we do indeed watch some cops. Its a good time. haha.
Im guilty!!! (no pun intended) Being a PO and a FF its kinda like a habit for me. Oh yeah
I would rather get maced than defibrillated witn 50,000 volts of electric shock going through my midaxillary

Ive been there for the mace.......Not fun! Never had the defib issue in the 10 years I was an EMT so no comment. However 120 volts A/C kinda tickles... LOL!!
Hell we don't need to watch it on TV we live it every day in my district, who am I kidding the whole city. My district is the domestic violence, assault, beatdown capital of Ohio!! I have seen more cops in the last 3 months then you will ever see on COPS.
LMAO! I'll just say...i know exactly what you are talking about!

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