Ok so I may offend some people with this but it's not meant to so let me lay that on the table now. Do you think there should be a test to be a fire line officer (including chief) in the volunteer fire departments? Seems like som ranking officers dont have the brains and shouldnt be in a line officer position. Sometimes the Jr. members or Explorers know more than the officers seem to....on more than one ocasion. Tell me what you think.

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I know that in the one department I run with, to become a line office, excluding chief, you have to take a written exam, and go in front of a board.
You have to test to be a FF,its only right to test for brass positions as well. Apptitude and reasoning are major points to be considered along with judgement abilities.
In my primary department, knowledge is wonderful, you will make a good firefighter. If your friends with the chiefs, your in, reguardless of knowledge. My other company is entirely differant. You have to apply and list your certs, and then compared by attendance, participation, and people skills depends on whether you get the job
Anyone in the position of leadership should have to earn it, volunteer or career. The buddy system of promotion just gets good people hurt and buildings burned to the ground. I've mentioned in other posts, this vocation is too dangerous to muddle around without knowledge and the brains to use employ what you have learned.

I am about to begin my clearing process so that I can ride out of class as a lieutenant. I want to be tested, just to ensure that I have the capability to perform safely under pressure. Anyone who has an issue with a test, probably shouldn't be in a leadership position. Period. I also think that regular assessments are a great idea. Every two years, run the bugles through a tactics class and some scenarios and make certain that your leadership hasn't gotten stagnent.
Outstanding input I agree totally
we have set qualifications to be able to run for office and hold a position for so long before you can run for the next position above the one you had.
Yup, and I think that's exactly why our department tests. It's not always the best way to get the best officers, as some people just do not test well but are very good at their job. for the most part, it's a good and fair system. Years of service, plus your test score ranks you on the list.
My department does not require it, but I have pushed for a change - Fire officer Training. Level should depend on the rank that you are being considered for, Lieutenants - Fire Officer 1, Captains - Fire officer 2, and Chief positions - Fire Officer 3. This is not to cause problems with filling the positions, I do see that it will in my area, but to ensure that the folks holding those positions have adequate training for the responsibility they are being selected to hold.

I also agree with the above post on years of experience. There should be a minimum number of years experience with the department prior to holding any brass position. My department requires 2 years before you can hold Lieutenant or Captain. There is also a requirement that you must be a Lieutenant or Captain for 2 years prior to being allowed to run for any chief position (we have 4 - Chief, 1st, 2nd and 3rd assistants)
Here, we nominate all line officers. The winner, if running against someone, is usually the most popular. The only qualifications is to be a member for three years. This includes chief! Training? Nah, don't need it according to some. Certifications are just something to wipe your butt with when your done. This is the mentality I have to deal with to try to be elected to an office. I was captain once, but lost the next election because I made the guys work during drill nights & enforced training & SOGs/SOPs during the year. So Yes, I STRONGLY believe there should be tests & interviews in the volunteer service if somone wants to be an officer. Gonna try for captain again this year, the popular guy becomes a life member & is supposedly stepping down.
There's no easy answer on this one.

I've served under officers who were put there because of the buddy system and it sucked because they didn't have the knowledge needed to do the job.

I've served under officers who had a file folder full of certificates and it sucked because they didn't have the ability to put the academic side with the practical side of the job.

I've served under wunderkind officers who had the training, could answer the most complex test question you put in front of them....but because of a lack of street experience at the lower levels couldn't command the scene on a car fire without assistance.

I've served under old timers who didn't have a lot of training, but had enough OJT and common sense to where they were very effective leaders.

In a perfect world we'd take a list of all the best qualifications and select our officers in this way. Sadly, this isn't a perfect world. I like the system that my department uses to select it's volunteer officers. We elect them, but they have to meet certain training standards.
I totally agree with you. We have that problem here. We have recently added alot of young people to our station who have taken the written test and are getting ready for practicals. But... they are getting really burn out with the older ones who let their brain go lacking as time goes by and they think these guys don't know what is what. I am just glad we have elections coming up...And YES i do think there should be a test to hold any form of office or administrative position in fire/rescue
You are so right. just because they tested to become ff, does not mean they keep up their training nor do they keep up with the changes going on around them .

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