I just finished taking my paramedic final and I have a feeling I will be doing that again.


Anyone know of any good ones in the North Texas area?

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Can't help with the Texas part but don't beat yourself up if you have to take it again a lot of great medics have taken the final or state test more then once..Trust me the real learning has not even started yet...Good luck
I work in Humble. Cy-Fair College has a good program, so does HCC. Taking a Medic Program in 10 weeks can be risky. They cram to much info into a very short amount of time. Find a good program and take your time. There are plenty of jobs especially around the Houston area.
What time frame are you looking for in a Paramedic Class??
It wasn't that bad was it ??? And have you managed to find another yet dare I ask ?
always keep ur head up. Stay Safe
hey fire. Paramedic school is allot of work, but obviosly not impossable. Look how many people have done it. Try to get with some good medics that you know and trust and just study hard. Just be careful who you study with. If they have been medics for a long time, they may give you "street answers". They are not always wrong, but its not the right "book answer". So make sure they clarify. Good luck. You will do fine.
Hang in there.... One of my people up here in CT just took got her medic cert and she said it was a real bear,....

Are you talking about your school's final or the National Registry? We had to pass with a 90% just to sit for the National Registry and even then some of my classmates didn't pass the first time. But the great thing is, once you pass, you're done! (Except for all of the CEUs, CPR recerts, ACLS, BTLS, PALS, etc. ,etc........)
Guys, this thread was a year old when it was bumped! A YEAR! Just forget it, I checked her page and she's been employed as an EMT-P for a year. Looks like she passed but couldn't be bothered coming back to this thread...

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