ok what colors of helmets does your dept use and what do they mean?????? My dept uses White,Red,Black,Yellow,Blue,and Orange. White= Chief Red= Captain Black= Lt Yellow= firefighter Blue= Safty Orange= Rookie

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ill start from the bottom down
explorer / blue
lieutenant and captain /red
anything else white !!
In LAFD we use: White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Black, and Blue

-Chiefs (Fire, Battlion, Division, Assistant) = white
-Arson Investigators = Red
-Captains = Orange
-Firefighters, Firefighter Paramdeics & Rated Members (Engineers, A/O's etc...) = Yellow
-Rookies = Yellow with NO LAFD helemt shield
-Explorers = Black
-Single Function Paramedics (not firefighters) = Blue

Not fire department, but these guys show up at most of our large incidents:
-C.E.R.T (Community Emergency Responce Teams) = Green Helmets
chiefs=white Lt.& Capt.=red Safety officer=blue FF=black jr.=yellow
White=Chief, Deputy Chief, Asst. Chief
Red=Lieutenant Captain
Yellow= JR and PROBE and marked with wording.
white...chief and asst chiefs

black with white shield...cpt and lt

black with black shield...firefighter

black with green shield...jr firfighter

black with orange shield...probationary ff
white=chief & ast. chief yellow=cpt. & 1st-2nd lt. red= ff
We only have three colors. White for chief and deputy chief, red for captain and lieutenant, and black for all firefighters that are not line officers.
white helmets are the chiefs and Red helmets are Capteins,firefighter have yellow helmets and the explores are the same as the paid guys. we keep it basic.
I've got an old discussion on here about somewhat about this,but here goes:
Our Fire Dist. Chiefs-White,Fire Capt-Yellow/White Shield,Lt.-Yellow/Black Shield,FF-Black,Safety Officer-Red/White Shield,Comp.EMS Officer-Blue(must wear black helmet on fires,blue ems/accidents only),Orange-Explorer,Fire Police-Lime Green Hard Hat.Trapizoid Reflective Stickers:Blue-Interior,Orange-Rookie.Reflective Star of Life-EMT or Higher Level EMS Cert.

EMS/Rescue Squad(Not apart of Fire Dist.,nieghboring town) White-Director,Capt,Lt., Yellow-EMTs,Rescue Members,Black-Rescue Members Wearing Thier Fire Dept.Turnouts.
Blue Reflective Rectangles aka stripes-Extrication Certified
Black and white checkerboard - checker player, unless the checkerboard is rippled. In that case, it's Jimmy Johnson's helmet.
Brown and tan checkerboard - chess player
Yellow with black dimples - Sponge Bob Square Pants
White fur - polar bear
Orange and black irregular stripes - tiger
Black and white irregular stripes - zebra, except sometimes it's an albino tiger
Spongy green - moss lover
Brown with spongy dark brown underside - mushroom afficianado
Brown and hairy - someone who forgot to wear a helmet, or a cocoanut
Brown feathers with white feathers at the crown - bald eagle
Silver scales - fish lover
White with irregular black dots - Dalmation
Dimpled red - raspberry
Dimpled black - blackberry
Mauve - could be a chief, could be a chaplain, could be a former vocalist with Celtic Woman
Taupe - unsure what it means
Cream - barrista
Frothed milk - also a barrista
Lace - grandmother
Bone - orthopedic surgeon
Tan - CNN journalist in Iraq
Black and lumpy - Someone on Santa's "Naughty" list
Turquoise - desert southwest jeweler
Scarlet - O'Hara
Crimson - Tide
Awe, my pink, powder blue and fuchsia post from yesterday got deleted. Or is this yet another one!?!
This is a different one - I expanded my response to the other one starting around "Taupe".

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