This pastr week I was on spring break & had the chance to run calls with my volunteer fire station. We had several calls on one day. The first was a structure fire at 0500 in the morning. It was a perfect scene when it came to interstaion cooperation and communication. The problem was the county sheriffs deputies passing several engines on their way to the scene and running a few responders in their POVs off the road. Later that day around 10 pm we had a drunk hit a power pole. We were toned out and when I arrived on scene a deputy almost hit my vehicle & he had run a fellow responder off the narrow road. Then the deputy jumped through live wires & pulled the victim out of the vehicle. Do any of yall have this kind of problem with the law enforcement officers in your areas? Are they cooperative or are they like the ones in mine?

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Has your department ever considered putting together a training program, to be taught by your Training division/Training Officer, for the Sherriff Department?

I think they need some of the information we get in FF1, just to be safe while securing the site. They need to recognize hazards which we think are common sense. Well as they say, "Common sense ain't so common," and that applies to Cops as well a civilians when it comes to fire ground safety.

We need to train together if we're going to operate together, which is something the Fire Chief and the Police Chief/Sherriff need to agree to and for the Training Divisions of both departments to make happen.

One Team - One Fight, or as we say in Korea, "Kapshi kapshida (We go together)."

I will tell you that I have been in both positions. NOT BEING AN IDIOT but as a cop and a firefighter. I will tell you just two words... BLUE CANARY.... There are FAR too many cops that should be on the sidelines because they have small .... well small pee-pee syndrome... Sorry... Just thought I would put it a little juvenile (but that is what you get when you have a 2 yo walking around... WHAT GOES AROUND.. COMES AROUND... Unfortunately it will end up being the death of someone before something gets done.. If it even does. It happens more than it doesn't..

We had similar problems with the municipal and county police. The municipal pd changed for two reasons. One we pulled one of theirs from his totaled squad. The other when they parked in the way of a hydrant during a fire in aportion of our courthouse and a storz coupling slid accross the hood followed by a charged 5 in for the duration of the incident. The counties changed when one of their elite Damn near ran me over at an accident scene. He passed our parked and positioned apparatus by using the ditch(rain soaked) while I was removing tools from the side compartments. I should note there were 4 squads between the apparatus and the actual accident already.
ours know when we say back off they do. same with the local pd. half the time you get the paramedic to get ready to stick the guy, the cops get squimish and back off.
We have that same problem i rolled up in my rescue truck and had a deputy tell me i couldnt have it there due to the fact that it was block traffic, it was a rollover, with entrapment i was first on scene. .... I agree i dont think that they will ever change no matter where you are at.
The real reason is why god made cops was so firefighters could have hero's too..but anyways we had the same problem with the state patrol out on the interstate..They were tellen us what we could do and we couldn't do..well it all came down to the chiefs coming together and they put a little training together for both the fire dist and the troopers. It outlined what there job was and what ours was everyone sat through it and it made things alot everyone plays nicely now..We also haven't had real any problems with the deputies either..They will do pretty much anything we need them too do.
Remember the 10% rule…..

10% of any organizations have their own less than stellar performers. Don’t paint all cops with that wide brush.

I have worked with some great PO’s and some real Mr. Richards. Then again looking around your own house are there some great people and some less than stellar performers?

Solve problems off the fire ground. Early in the thread Siren suggested sharing a meal. Another asked about training. Do all Po’s know what we do? There are many ways to make things better. Unfortunately one of our 10%ers could undo all our good work.

Deal with things on a case to case basis and not just as a blanket problem.
I like jurisdictions where there is one chief for both the Fire and Police Departments.

The Officer in charge of Fire Operations is a Deputy Chief, and the Officer in charge of Law Enforcement Operations is also a Deputy Chief; both work for the Depratment Chief and they are equals in the department.

I think Broward County, FL has a system like that. I know the Fire Department is a division of the Sherriff Department.

the ones in new mexico where am from for the most part are nice and repect us. i come from avolunteer dept to and even the city cops repest us but there are always a few that act like that it is just because they dont know how to act
Well, thats one of the many issues facing fire departments today. First off, taking a POV to a scene could be very dangerous. FDIC and VFIS don't cover POV's and PD can have them towed for "fowling up a scene" (personal experiance). Secondly, contact the PD and explain the situation. They may be willing to "talk" to their officers.
Where I work, we have an excellent working relationship with our local Law Enforcement people (City Cops and County Sheriffs). For the most part, I would rather have them there than not. Occasionally you will get a "tool" of an officer show up on your incident, but usually they are very helpful.

The one LE agency that has given me fits from the start of my career is the CHP. For the most part, they are arrogant Adam Henrys. I can count on one hand the decent ones I've come across in my years. Must be something they learn in their academy.
No; we don't have any problems like you describe.
Apparently, your county hires all of the idiots.
Sounds like some in your county need to go back through driver's training...
Before they kill someone.

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