I posted this on another site and thought I would share it.
Kind of fits in well with this time of the year.

Of all the tasks in a Firefighters life
The polishing, scrubbing, washing and strife,
Like cleaning the windows and polishing brass,
Rolling hard frozen hose is a pain in the ass.

The temperature’s zero, the snow is quite deep,
And it’s four freaking hours since you woke from your sleep,
You’ve lost all the feeling in most of your toes,
And that’s when you start in to roll frozen hose.

Your fingers are numb from knuckle to tip,
And your nose is so runny it drips on your lip.
You’re tired and hungry like nobody knows,
And that’s when you start in to roll frozen hose.

You’re coated with ice from helmet to toe,
You hear yourself crack every time you bend low.
Then someone says, “Hey Bud! You’ve frozen your nose”.
And that’s when you start in to roll frozen hose.

You start in to roll it the best that you can,
But it never rolls straight,…..it goes on a cant.
But roll it you do, through rubble and glass,
Yes, rolling hard frozen hose is a pain in the ass.

And when you are finished on the earth here below,
And you go to that place where District Chiefs go,
You won’t hear any harps, and no trumpet blows
You can bet your sweet ass, at least there’s no frozen hose!

Taken from the Brampton firefighters history book
Author unknown.

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Bravo! That is great Huw.
I like it! Mind you, no such thing as frozen hose here ...
The Huwman strikes again, outstanding brother!
awesome brother!:)
Nice! Plenty of frozen hose here with those Godawful Chicagoland winters!
Living in upper Ny time is almost here for that special weather to be here.. ????? feet of snow and 20 below..So yea love it may copy and put on the poster board at the hall.....
I like it. but where do district chiefs go? ;)
Nice post very catchy. We need more poets like yourself to lighten our spirits.
While this is very good and will be on the board at the hall. I have to say that it is easier to throw it in the back of a pickup and take it to the station to thaw. At least that is what we do.
LOL to funny

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