I think we all have a certain song, or group that we listen to when responding to a fire (yes I know the FD pagers/radios are in the background) whats your personal favorite song to get you pumped?

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Good choice it's on my profile page...
You been watching backdraft again huh.... how about sizing up the incident via radio reports, paying attention to the traffic, responding safely and arriving alive.

Favorite song to get pumped? WTF are we getting ready for a football game in the lockeroom? Doesn't the pager cause enough adreneline rush for you?
Anything by Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears!
I heard a new one Working For A Living. Most of the music would be better to make a FD music video for public relations thou.
I have seen fire companies that put a video camera on the front dash of a unit while they are running a call and then put music to it.
I don't listen to music when responding just to the fire radio. If I were to listen to music I have many songs that would fit.
Motorhead - The game
AC/DC - This house is on fire
AC/DC - Highway to hell
Disturbed - Inside the fire
KISS - Heavens on fire
Mettalica - Fight fire with fire
Molly Hatchet - flirtin with disaster
Sammy Haggar - I can't drive 55

And many more
We have the habit of listening to Brittany Spears or some other "Non-Macho" crap after a call. Only have on the Comm channel when rolling in...too many idiots around.
on the way to hall i like to listen to PUSH IT by STATIC X and BEFORE I FORGET BY SLIPKNOT
In 27 years of service I can't think of a single call for which I had to get "pumped" for. The pager or monitor going off does that for me, every time.

Pay attention to information coming over the radio. Watch where you are going. Follow all applicable V&T laws for your state. If you run red lights and siren be extra careful with your driving. Drive defensively and responsibly. Try to get un-pumped, not the opposite.

Remember, we can be KILLED responding TO calls, as well as at the scene. It can happen to anyone, at any time.
All the safety talk on this forum and you think it is a good idea to be listening to music on the way to a call?
I dont listen to anything either i have to listen for are radio traffic updates when we get back thats a different story listen to some classic rock, country, hard rock anything but RAP!!!UGh!!!
I thought it was shipping up to Boston
I thought I was going to be in the minority with my response, but after reading 4 pages, looks like I'm actually in the majority on this one, I don't listen to loud music to get pumped up for a situation that may end my life or the lives of the people beside me. I only have 2 years in the fire service, but after 6 years in EMS and 8 in the military, with 15 months of those in a nice little neighborhood called Mosul...I've found that when facing a dangerous situation, adreneline, if uncontrolled, will actually hinder you. It will cause you to lose focus, and losing focus in a potentially deadly situation, can be fatal, obivously. Nothing disturbed me more than the time I hopped on a truck and right behind me came my 19 y/o Lt., hands trembling with adrenaline, so excited he couldn't get his words out, maybe the most worked up guy on the truck. I'm only 27 myself, but in my experiences I've seen the result of young people paying attention to anything else than what they're supposed to be many, many times over. Although again, not much experience in the fire service, I wish I could download some of those images to the heads of our younger, "balls-to-the-wall" guys. Maybe they would stop, take a breath, and focus on the task at hand if they kept in mind the possible outcomes of getting "pumped up" instead of focusing on the job at hand.

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